Amit Shah’s statement about consulting Lakshadweep locals before deciding anything is a major disappointment

Amit Shah, BJP, Lakshadweep

(PC: Republic World)

The ‘Save Lakshadweep’ campaign waged by the unholy alliance of Communists and Islamists seems to have sent the BJP’s top leadership into a tizzy, for reasons best known to it of course. Here is a man in the form of Praful Khoda Patel trying to transform Lakshadweep into the Maldives of India, and a social media campaign by liberals seems to have got to the BJP. Most disappointing has been the ‘assurance’ of Union Home Minister Amit Shah, who has said the proposed changes are just suggestions. The backtracking on the part of the BJP promises to dent the party’s image severely.

Lakshadweep has a 95 per cent Muslim population. That should provide enough context on the entire issue and the outrage surrounding the reforms being ushered in by the Lakshadweep administrator, who by the way, is said to be close to no less than Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

Among the policies of the new administration that are being opposed are – banning candidates with more than two children from contesting Panchayat polls, the removal of illegal storage facilities along the coast, and the strict order to boat owners against leasing/renting their boats to individuals without proper permission from authorities. Besides, Patel has also given a nod to opening liquor bars in the island, a non-alcoholic zone due to its Muslim population, to promote tourism. Further, he has also proposed to bring in a beef ban and eliminate non-vegetarian food from the menu of Anganwadi children.

Read more: Who is Praful Patel? The bold administrator of Lakshadweep who has riled up the Islamo-leftist cabal

These are all positive steps that nobody should have a problem with. Notwithstanding the need for such reforms, Home Minister Amit Shah is said to have assured a BJP delegation that no measures will be carried out without taking the people on the islands into confidence. Separately, NCP MP Mohammed Faizalsaid that Home Minister Amit Shah has assured him that the draft notification will be sent back to Lakshadweep for proper scrutiny.

BJP Vice President A P Abdullakutty, in charge of BJP affairs in Lakshadweep, told The Indian Express after a meeting with Shah, “The Home Minister assured that the proposed changes are just suggestions and have sought the public opinion on them from the citizens in Lakshadweep. He asked us to tell people there’s nothing to fear and no steps will be taken there without taking the people into confidence. He said there will be discussions with people for their consent.”

The Indian Express also quoted anonymous sources as saying that a section of the BJP’s national leaders agreed that Patel could have “avoided such a controversy had he handled it properly”.

Despite having a Muslim population of over 95 per cent— the Islamists and communists wrongfully claim Patel is trying to undermine the ‘Islamic character’ of Lakshadweep. Simply put, these armchair crusaders want the public of Lakshadweep to languish in a bygone era, amidst poverty and lack of opportunities. Patel dared to change that and in return, he has received a bucketful of hate and backlash. In such a scenario, the BJP’s top leadership should be standing shoulder-to-shoulder with Patel. It is truly unfortunate that they have chosen not to.

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