Congress’ leaked toolkit exposes the kind of hatred the party harbours for Hindu Dharma

Congress toolkit, congress, Hindu hatred, Anti-Hindu agenda, Kumbh Mela, Left Liberal Media, BJP


The Congress party’s toolkit, which has been exposed in the public domain, was meant for internal circulation alone. This is the precise reason why the party chose to be rather unabashed and explicit with its derisive anti-Hindu tone. While the focus was most definitely on defaming India by collaborating with friendly media networks both within and outside India, the Congress party made no secret of the fact that the national crisis which grips India in the form of a Covid-19 second wave can be used as an opportunity to deride and demean Hindu dharma as well.

In the explosive document, the AICC Research department made space for a sub-section titled, “Politicising Religion and Allowing Super Spreader Kumbh”. In this section, the Congress asked its workers and volunteers to refer to the now-concluded Kumbh Mela as a “super spreader event” and to collaborate with like-minded international media and journalists to spread the narrative. On the issue of Eid festivities, however, the party asks its workers to maintain strict silence.

The document specifically instructs Congress workers stating, “Non-party office bearers and supporters can be encouraged to use social media posts to highlight, by carefully using pictures, that Kumbh is a show of political power in the name of religion while Eid gatherings are happy social gatherings of families and communities.” Congress perhaps forgot that Kumbh is being observed for thousands of years. Interesting how Congress leaders think that the BJP has been flexing its political power using Kumbh since the beginning of time.

Congress’ hatred for Hindus and its inherent bigotry towards Indian culture has now come out in the open. By giving Eid festivities a clear pass, yet telling its workers to slander the BJP for letting the Kumbh be organised, the Congress party has really shown its true and ugly face. Expressing their shock that the Congress would stoop to such levels, Hindu spiritual leaders have come out and condemned the party’s mindset.

Swami Avdheshanand Giri, the Acharya Mahamandleshwar of the Juna Akhara said, “A toolkit has been spreading propaganda that Kumbh was the reason behind the spread of COVID-19 cases across the country. The culture, rituals, faith and traditions of the nation are being tarnished in a well-planned manner. Politicising the Kumbh is not good. The saint-community highly condemns this.” The Acharya added that by maligning the religious festival, vested interests are tarnishing India’s culture, rituals, faith and traditions.

Yoga Guru Baba Ramdev, on Wednesday, called the Congress’ toolkit a political conspiracy and a well-orchestrated plan to malign the image of Kumbh and Hinduism. “It is a very big conspiracy to defame Kumbh Mela and Sanatan Hinduism through a toolkit. It is a very disgusting act you are doing and this country will never forgive you. I call upon the people of the country to unite and boycott such anti-India forces,” Baba Ramdev said.

Read More: Congress has disassociated itself from the toolkit but its latest actions prove that everything has gone as per planned

We all have been wondering why foreign media has been engaging in death porn while trying to cover India’s Covid-19 situation. As it turns out, Congress has had a role here too. The Congress toolkit explicitly mentions, “use (of) dramatic pictures of funerals and dead bodies, which is already being done be foreign media. Such journalists can be facilitated by our local cadre in various districts to get the right image and then their reporting can be magnified.” This shows how Congress is using the deaths of Indians to push forward its vile agenda with overarching help from foreign media.

Whether it be maligning Kumbh and Hindus, or specifically using international media to make a shameless show of cremations of those who died due to Covid-19, the Congress party seems to have completely given up on any sanity and shame only to defame PM Modi and the BJP. In the process, the party is unapologetic of Hindu dharma suffering as collateral.

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