Liberal journalist Irena Akbar thanks coronavirus for saving Muslims of India from Modi govt

Lucknow-based ‘entrepreneur’ and journalist Irena Akbar is a closet Islamist hiding behind the veil of liberalism. At heart, she is a Mughal admirer and an Islamist-apologist. In normal circumstances, she is a person who does not matter. However, recent remarks by the person in question have provided comical relief to thousands of social media users amid a gloomy second wave of Covid-19 engulfing the nation. The virus which has claimed millions of lives across the globe, according to Irena Akbar, is a god-sent gift for saving Indian Muslims from being killed and persecuted in Indian government-sponsored detention camps.

On Friday, Irena Akbar took to Twitter to say, “If it weren’t for Covid, Indian Muslims would’ve been in detention camps. I’m NOT being grateful for the virus which killed my aunt, sent my dad to the ICU & is causing tragedies across homes. I’m stressing the fact that while fascists were making their plans, God was making His.”

Irena went on to add, without any evidence of course, “It’s between the devil & the deep blue sea for Indian Muslims. Either die/live in fear of Covid OR die/live in fear of anti-Muslim state violence. At least the former doesn’t specifically target us & the public will eventually question the state. But in latter, the public would rejoice it.”

Effectively, Irena Akbar is rather seen gleefully celebrating how the supposed ‘plans’ of the Indian government to persecute Indian Muslims were foiled by ‘God’. This is not the first time that Irena Akbar has put her mental degeneracy on a rather explicit display. Earlier, in 2019, Akbar had glorified the murderous Mughal era and said, “I love the Mughals. They united most provinces in India, bringing them under federal system. They established ‘Akhand Bharat’. They contributed immensely to the nation’s culture & heritage. India would not be India without Mughals. Trend #ThanksMughals with pics of their legacy.”

Despite the fact that Irena’s own family members have been victims of the Chinese virus, the alleged journalist is comfortable with spinning nonsensical and fabricated theories of the pandemic preventing Indian Muslims from being killed by a “Hindu Nationalist” government. The foolishness of the ‘entrepreneur’ became manifest in 2019 itself, when she took to whitewashing the crimes against humanity committed by Mughals, and instead extolled them for gifting India with Biryani. It seems too much consumption of the “Mughal dish” has hijacked Irena’s mind.

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