The violent element that hijacked the farmers’ protests is threatening to hold Delhi to ransom and Kejriwal is helping them


Delhi coronavirus kejriwal farmers' protests

(PC: New Indian Express)

The alleged farmers protesting against the ‘Farm Bills’ introduced by the government are now threatening to hold the country to ransom by going on a ‘Bharat Bandh’ Andolan on 8th of December. While the apex body of the traders’ union which represents 4,000 traders’ bodies and more than 7 crore traders across the country, Confederation of All India Traders (CAIT) and All India Transport Welfare Association (AITWA) on Monday said that their members will not participate in the December 8 event, the protestors on the five border entry points of Delhi are still going ahead with the bandh.

Read: As the protesters have been exposed, they are shifting goal post everyday

However, like a vulture, an opportune Arvind Kejriwal has once again jumped into the fray to bake a few political brownies for himself and his flogged party. The Delhi CM on Monday visited the Singhu Border—the largest protest spot for the farmers and contrary to what a leader of the National Capital would endorse, gave his assent to Tuesday’s event.

“We support all demands of farmers. Their issue & demands are valid. My party & I have stood with them from the very beginning. At the beginning of their protests, Delhi Police had sought permission to convert 9 stadiums into jails. I was pressurized but didn’t permit” said Kejriwal whilst further adding “Our party, MLAs & leaders have been serving farmers as ‘sevadars’ ever since. I haven’t come here as CM but as a ‘sevadar’. Farmers are in trouble today, we should stand with them. AAP supports Dec 8th Bharat Bandh, party workers will participate in it across the nation,” he said, extending his support to the fake farmer protests.

Kejriwal who has time and again failed to contain the menace of COVID-19 in Delhi and even has repeatedly pleaded to the Union Home Minister Amit Shah to resurrect his administration’s dazed plans is knowingly pushing the state into a lockdown mode where the citizens would be left devoid of essential commodities.

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Mr. Kejriwal needs to be questioned that if in an off chance, the Bharat Bandh is somehow extended and the extremists masquerading as farmers try to launch a siege, will his administration have the essential stock to outlast it? And even if Delhi has sufficient stock, what is the meaning of purposefully going to a protest venue and openly giving the blessing to conduct a strike that can impede a common Delhite’s daily day-to-day life.

The Delhi government welcomed the protesting farmers as their “guests” last Friday and made elaborate arrangements for their food, drinking water, and shelter. By doing so, the AAP is looking forward to gaining a major foothold in Punjab for the 2022 Assembly Elections.

In its debut assembly elections in Punjab in 2017, the AAP had bagged a substandard 20 seats. With this stamp of approval on the ongoing protests, AAP is igniting the farmers to go on an offence against the centre and is also gaining their support for the 2022 elections, killing two birds with one stone.

Yogendra Yadav, a failed Psephologist, and a failed politician who even Arvind Kejriwal threw out from AAP is looking to reinvent himself and his political career. Despite being pushed by the farmers, Yadav is positioning himself as the face of the Bharat Bandh Andolan.

Yogendra Yadav is not the first person who has hijacked the Farmer’s protest. There has been enough damning evidence in the public domain that suggests that Khalistani elements and non-state actors have joined the protests to push their vested agendas. Much-like Shaheen Bagh, the ‘Kudrati Biryani’ has found its way through amongst the alleged Farmers and a similar narrative is being weaved by the left-liberal cabal of the country on TVs, newspapers, and social media platforms. Just the way protestors were misled during the anti-CAA riots, a similar event is waiting to transpire in the offing.

Read: The striking similarities between ShaheenBagh and Farmers’ protests

Along with threatening India’s sovereignty and its leaders, the protestors in the garb of Farmers’ cause are also praising Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan. A protester was heard saying, “Pakistan’s PM Imran Khan is our friend. Our enemy is sitting in Delhi.” In addition to all this, one can also see posters galore of separatist/terrorist Jarnail Singh Bhindranwale in the protests. Perhaps the most distressing part is that under the garb of protesting against ‘farm laws’, the protesters are hoisting ’Khalistan’ flags in Delhi. Deep Sidhu, Yograj Singh, and many others have openly voiced their concerns that are nowhere near the Farm Bills.

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Kejriwal, for the umpeteenth time, has given a stark reminder to the Delhi voters that how big of a mistake it was to vote such a megalomaniac leader into power. And with over four years still remaining in his tenure, Delhites should be prepared that its CM can willingly sacrifice the entire 3 crore populace if it means gaining a foothold in other states.

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