CCP wanted to celebrate its 100 years of existence by crushing India. India turned out to be a party spoiler

CCP, China, India

Xi Jinping and his Chinese Communist Party (CCP) had grand plans to celebrate its 100 years of existence in 2021, by total global domination and creating a world order where he can see the communist state at the top-level hierarchy. It all seemed like a smooth sailing up until 2019 before the Chinese boat of belligerence capsized while turning into the change of decade. Lo and behold, came 2020, and China pushed a global pandemic on the world and its enemy India milked the situation to its full effect and sabotaged Beijing’s plan of having a grand party.

The start of 2020 has marked the beginning of the end for CCP and its reprehensible neo-colonists dreams of world domination. Coronavirus pandemic that has so far infected 27 million and taken lives of 800,000 worldwide became the tipping point that brought nations around the world to the threat of an enemy that had so far gone unnoticed.

Countries like Australia, USA, Japan, etc went on the offensive against China but they still needed someone to confront China in its own language. And who could have done it better than the Republic of India, spearheaded by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who has been at the forefront of taking the paper dragon by the horn.

The Chinese side, perturbed by India’s plan to alienate China on the world map tried to infiltrate into the Indian side. But the June 15 brawl in the Galwan valley near LAC proved that India was not a sitting duck, waiting to take the punches. The Indian army retaliated and pushed the Chinese aggressors back and showed them their place.

According to several estimates, it was suggested that over 50 Chinese PLA troops were slaughtered by the Indian forces. And what India did in Ladakh sent a message to the world that China was merely a loud motormouth which bragged a lot but remained low on substance.

It wasn’t only on the military standpoint that India took the initiative, the Union government came down hard and banned the Chinese espionage apps whilst simultaneously giving Xi Jinping and his authoritarian regime a severe economic jolt.

Soon, America followed India’s footsteps and so did Australia and several other countries. The former gave an ultimatum to TikTok to sell its American side of the business to Microsoft whereas the latter changed its entire bureaucratic setup to stop Chinese encroachment in the down under country.

Countries like Japan and several small nations in the South China Sea, impressed by India’s confrontation with China’s belligerence started to stand up against the meek leader. India has been single-handedly responsible for taking Xi’s highly ambitious BRI plans to the cleaners in the Indian subcontinent. From Sri Lanka to Bangladesh to the island country of the Maldives in South East Asia—all the aforementioned countries have come out of Chinese BRI clutches with the help of India.

India was the catalyst that brought together one of the strongest alliances on the planet at the moment. The Quad comprising of Australia, Japan, America and of course India has made its presence felt in the South China Sea, a region China holds dear to its expansionist dreams.

The 100-year plan of CCP also included countering USA’s global hegemony but India’s close ties with the country did not allow it to happen.

Xi’s vision of the CCP controlling the state and eventually influencing and even controlling the rest of the world was pretty clear from the beginning and it was publically publicized in the Chinese literature, journals and even though Xi’s statements, after his ascension to the top party position.

But of course, China did not anticipate that when it will come to Ladakh, India will react strongly. After China tried to fulfil its territorial ambitions in India, its world turned upside down. The brilliant manoeuvre performed by Indian army and its covert SFF on the intervening night of 29-30 August is further expected to throw CCP’s 100-year party plan into oblivion.

China is cursing India for being a party spoiler and if the trend continues, the subcontinent power will well and truly thwart China’s 2049 centennial plan of world domination too.

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