‘No scientific research without our approval,’ China is deleting records about origins of the Coronavirus

Lies before lives

Research papers coronavirus china

Xi Jinping and his lackeys at the Chinese Communist Party has created a pandemic which has infected over a million people and thrown the livelihood of billions of people into disarray. Xi Jinping has blood on his hands and if he had an iota of emotion, Jinping would have accepted his shortcomings and helped the world battle the Wuhan coronavirus. However, Xi Jinping’s China is much more brutal and remorseless and is more interested in controlling the narrative rather than public health safety. China is now clamping down on coronavirus research and deleting the research papers published by Chinese universities as they tell the inconvenient truth, much to the displeasure of Xi Jinping.

The Guardian has accessed deleted documents published by the Chinese universities that attempt to throw light on the origin of the novel coronavirus. The Chinese government has formulated a new policy that state that research papers related to coronavirus are subjected to mandatory process of extra vetting by the Chinese Communist Party before it can be published. This led to two websites of leading Chinese universities to initially publish and then subsequently remove the pages due to pressure from the CCP.

The origin of the virus has been a bone of contention ever since the outbreak of the virus. China shamelessly claimed that while the first case of the virus has been reported in China, the virus didn’t origin in the country. To control the narrative, China initially claimed that the virus was brought to Wuhan by the US Military — a claim which is devoid of any proof. Even Chinese Ambassador to the US has labelled such baseless claims as “crazy”.

Ambassador Cui Tiankai’s statement contradicts the stance of the Chinese foreign ministry. Lijian Zhao, a spokesman for the country’s foreign ministry has been particularly rabid in floating such conspiracy theories. “It might be US army who brought the epidemic to Wuhan. Be transparent! Make public your data! US owe us an explanation!” Zhao tweeted on March 12.

The World Heath Organisation has also pandered to the Chinese propaganda as during its “fact finding” mission to China led by the deputy director general Bruce Aylward labelled the origin of the virus as one of the “key unknowns”. The WHO had one job to do that is to find the index case, which it grossly failed to do.

“In terms of priority, controlling the narrative is more important than the public health or the economic fallout. It doesn’t mean the economy and public health aren’t important. But the narrative is paramount. If these documents are authentic it would suggest the government really wants to control the narrative about the origins of Covid-19 very tightly,” said Prof Steve Tsang, director of the SOAS China Institute in London.

While Xi Jinping is solely focused on controlling the narrative, the clampdown on research on the origin of the virus will severely hamper the research and development of any potential vaccine. It is now mandatory for research papers exploring the origin of the virus to be approved by China’s ministry of science and technology before publication. It is a given that the Ministry of Science and Technology will not allow publication of any paper which doesn’t fit the Chinese narrative.

Finding the index case is paramount to understand the nature of the virus and accordingly plan containment measures. In early March, German Health Minister Jens Spahn said that Germany is at the beginning of a coronavirus epidemic after new cases sprung up that can no longer be traced to the virus’ source in China. “The infection chains are partially no longer trackable, and that is a new thing,” Spahn said. “Large numbers of people have had contact with the patients, and that is a big change to the 16 patients we had until now where the chain could be traced back to the origin in China.”

In March, Xi Jinping had placed “the tracing the origin of the virus” on a list of national priorities. Jinping cleverly didn’t mention that the origin of the virus must fit the CCP’s propaganda. “They are seeking to transform it from a massive disaster to one where the government did everything right and gave the rest of the world time to prepare,” said Kevin Carrico, a senior research fellow of Chinese studies at Monash University. He further added, “There is a desire to a degree to deny realities that are staring at us in the face … that this is a massive pandemic that originated in a place that the Chinese government really should have cleaned up after Sars.”

The Chinese propaganda was recently published by The New York Times where it ran an article which claimed that the Chinese government bought time for the world. While the world battles the Wuhan coronavirus, Jinping is making every effort possible to emerge as a holier than thou who ‘bravely’ defeated the pandemic.

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