India-hating reaches new levels: Leftist-Islamist cabals are shamelessly getting drunk on Arab nationalism

They are targeting Indians

Islamists tweet, gulf countries

The world is fighting an unequivocal battle against the Wuhan virus collectively. India under PM Narendra Modi has so far contained the virus effectively with strict measures like nationwide lockdown and strategic testing policy. Whilst the battle is uphill in its entirety alone, India is fighting another skirmish, totally different from a pathogen virus yet equally dangerous; in the form of radical Islamists—both from outside the country and inside the country. The radical Islamist cabals are trying to weave a narrative of an ecosystem where Indian Muslims are being subjugated to inferior treatment and discrimination in the wake of the pandemic.

The Muslim radicals are cunningly diverting the criticism against the Tablighi Jamaat members towards the Muslim community at large. For a layman and an innocent liberal, the trap is being set by them methodically and they, of course, are walking right into it. 

It is fact hidden from no one that Tablighi Jamaat– an organization formed by the historically converted Muslims in the Mewat district in Haryana of a “Secular” India is responsible for a large number of Wuhan virus cases in Malaysia, Pakistan and India.

And naturally, the patriotic Muslims had to flock to protect the cult organization because that’s how the appeasement politics have strengthened the so-called ‘minority’ of the country which can go all out, stretching its resources thin all while defending the indefensible. But when people started calling out the lies outright and the strategy back-fired—the radicals changed the narrative 360 on its head.

Now, certain Arab intellectuals in cahoots with fringe Indian Muslims are trying to project to the world that India and its Muslim population is in danger. The social media circles are full of such tweets and trends from the combined Wahhabi world. From #RSSterroristOrganisation to calling out MP Tejaswi Surya, the extensive and elaborate attempt is orchestrated only to defame the Hindus—after all the endgame has always been this. And of course, it goes without saying that the whole cause is championed by the Indian Islamists and secular-liberals.

It all started with a bunch of Indian Muslims brazenly teaming up to oust gainfully employed Hindus in the Middle-east for raising unpopular opinion on social media against the Jamaatis and the mind-numbing Tik-Tok videos. 


Rakesh B. Kitturmath, a team leader at Emrill Services, an integrated facilities management (FM) headquartered in Dubai, was terminated from his job because he made some comments about Muslims claiming to cure Coronavirus by reading Namaz five-times a day on Tik Tok.

The examples are aplenty but the point being driven home is that there appears to be an ominous endeavour underway to target Hindus by a section of Indian Muslims on Twitter, especially Hindus living in Gulf countries and now Pakistanis on Twitter have welcomed this sinister development, lauding the Arab countries for condemning and deporting the Hindus for making critical remarks against the Muslims.

Ibrahim and his tweet show the zeal of a fresh convert who is looking to appease its Islamic masters of Saudi Arabia. If today, Coronavirus outbreak has exacerbated in India, Pakistan and Malaysia due to Islamism but the numbers have not risen in West Asia, with the only exception of Iran, blame the zealousness of the fresh convert for it. The zealousness which places Islamist orthodoxy above everything—even life.

The Coronavirus outbreak has given a new lease of life to such fundamentalists and also the secular journalists who have gone into overdrive with hit jobs and anti-Hindu propaganda. The latest example of such shameful propaganda was an Indian Express report about an Ahmedabad hospital segregating Muslim and Hindu patients into different wards. 

TFI took the liberty to tear down the claims of the “appalled journalists” who did not even bother to do a simple yet basic due diligence of the entire episode (some of them are ‘investigative journalists’ who have written an entire book only to be thrown out of the Supreme court).

Now, the Islamist cabals have started hounding Member of Parliament Tejaswi Surya for a five-year-old tweet where he has simply quoted Tarek Fateh. Anti-Hindu elements have gone on to concoct and attribute this five-year-old tweet that concerns the abhorrent practice of Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) that is rampant in the Middle East to Mr Surya.

On March 22, 2015, noted author and activist Tarek Fatah had given an interview to leading news portal Swarajya, wherein he had spoken at length about how women’s rights are trampled in the Middle East. During this interview, Tarek Fatah had said, “Ninety-five percent of the Arab women have never had an orgasm in the last few hundred years! Every mother has produced kids as an act of sex and not love.”

Tarek Fatah spoke an uncomfortable truth and Surya only shared it and now the Islamist cabals are using this as an opportunity to vilify the Hindus and India as a country. Meanwhile conveniently ignoring the seriousness of the issue and instead of coming clean on it–the Islamist bigots are scapegoating an Indian MP.

By all means, it is another ploy to deflect attention from the mess that Tablighi’s and its hoodlums have created.

While reading this piece many out there would term it as an Islamophobia piece but if you talk rationally and follow the trail of events, it does not take much effort to decipher what is going on behind the curtains. The word Islamophobia as it is has entered the global lexicon which aids the radicals and fundamentalists alone when someone questions their twisted beliefs.

Also ‘Islamophobia’ is a propaganda term courtesy the Iranian fundamentalists of the 1980s. They applied it to suppress criticism or reform calls coming from Muslims and non-Muslims on Islam, Islamism and Islamists. According to French writer Pascal Bruckner, the deliberately vague word was formed in analogy to ‘xenophobia’ to declare Islam incorruptible.

The entire act of censoring media and opinions in the Muslim world and creating pressure on the Indian government through the radical Muslim pressure groups working closely with the liberal media creates an ecosystem that makes you believe that the reality is starkly different. 

But the truth is, all this is an oasis of lies that dies beyond the echo chambers of social media. Only if the government showed a bit more spine than continuing with the age-old adage of appeasement politics, such theatrics which is visible to the naked eye from afar would be nipped in the bud.

India might defeat the novel Wuhan virus but defeating the evil of fundamentalism and radical Islamist cabals are going to take some time and it surely cannot be cured a single vaccine–given we have started working on it.

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