$1500 or ₹1 lakh. That’s the price for selling your soul to anti-Hindu western media, reveals Pioneer journalist

Western media is paying big money to write divisive articles connecting Trump visit with Delhi riots

Modi, Trump, Western Media

Ever since the Modi government abrogated Article 370 scrapping the special status of the erstwhile state of Jammu and Kashmir, the Western media has been spreading fake news against India on a war footing. This relentless anti-India tirade has become that much more significant after the enactment of the Citizenship Amendment Act last year. After the Delhi riots, the Western media came out labelling the riots as an anti-Muslim pogrom.

Not a single report in prominent international media outlets such as WSJWashington Post, NYT, The Guardian, Al Jazeera,  etc. did justice to the riots the wreaked havoc in the streets of Delhi, and while some resorted to one-sided agenda based reporting, others resorted to outright lying, setting a very worrying tone.

This is broadly the same narrative that the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) also picked up. Democrat hopeful, Bernie Sanders who represents the outdated socialist dream of giving everything for free in the United States too picked up the ‘anti-Muslim pogrom’ narrative.

He tweeted, “Over 200 million Muslims call India home. Widespread anti-Muslim mob violence has killed at least 27 and injured many more. Trump responds by saying, “That’s up to India.” This is a failure of leadership on human rights.”

At the same time, the Indian mainstream media was also involved in falsely projecting the riots, which were in the nature of communal clashes, as anti-Muslim violence similar to the kind of violence that had been unleashed against the Sikhs in 1984 on the streets of Delhi.

Initially, it seemed as if the Western media was picking up this venomous, Hindu-hating narrative from the Indian mainstream media. However, now a Special Correspondent from The Pioneer, J. Gopikrishnan has exposed the murky reality behind the murkiness of the one-sided reporting both in Western media and Indian media.

Gopikrishnan has tweeted, “Why I am angry? A US Newspaper today asked me to write on Delhi Riots asking how many died on Religion basis in connection with Trump’s visit. Rate was $1500 for 1000 words…My Reply was: Your President Trump rightly call you as Presstitutes.”

Launching a vicious assault at the shocking, insensitive offer, he also said, “Rascals … These crooks see everything on negative perspectives…. in the end all are humans….Trump is right calling them Presstitutes…Hate Indian origin journos selling their souls for few Dollars….”

This reveals that the Western media outlets are the ones calling the shots, while some of their Indian counterparts might be helping them further in peddling the vicious, anti-Hindu narrative for the Dollars that they seem to be getting from the Western Media.

Apart from following their traditionally anti-India, anti-Hindu line, the Western Media looks at a larger and more immediate goal which explains their unethical, one-sided reporting of the Delhi riots.

2020 being an election year in the United States, the national media in the country is looking for excuses to direct hate at President Donald Trump. Incidentally, the riots in Delhi too were planned to put India in an awkward position and were deliberately orchestrated during his India visit.

From Bernie Sanders’ highly misleading and agonising tweet, the maliciousness behind the unethical reportage of the Western Media is pretty clear. They are connecting their hate for Donald Trump with Prime Minister Modi in India. As for the Western media, the fact that the riots took off when President Trump was still in India is supposed to be highly embarrassing for the latter.

Projecting the riots as an anti-Muslim pogrom by buying out their brothers in arms in Lutyens’ Delhi, they are trying to defame Hindus with vicious propaganda. Just like the narrative of holding PM Modi culpable is being pushed in Delhi, the same narrative is also being pushed by the Western media. The former seems to be doing this at the instance of the Western media outlets.

In the coming days, the bias of the Western media might come out even more clearly. As more perquisites move from Western media, the narrative might become only more unconscionable and nauseating. Ultimately, an attempt will be made at projecting Trump as the one who stood beside Prime Minister Modi despite a ‘State-sponsored killing of Muslims’.

The Pioneer journalist, P. Gopikrishnan has therefore brought to light the intricacies of the one-sided reporting in both the Indian and Western media outlets. The vicious narrative at both the levels is being pushed for one common cause- International media’s hate for Trump and a tendency to connect it with Prime Minister Modi.

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