It’s Delhi elections and anything is possible. You won’t believe Hanuman Ji actually talked to Kejriwal


(PC: Indian Express)

Fighting elections and campaigning in a country like ours can be a strenuous task indeed, more so, if the politician campaigning is fighting the most important electoral battle of his/her life. Campaigning in India is a hectic and chaotic process, and can easily take a toll on any leader’s mental health, even more if the said leader is fighting against a lethal election machinery of the world’s largest political party.

Arvind Kejriwal is fighting the election of his life. If Delhi does not vote in his favour today, in all likelihood, his political career stares at an imminent collapse. As such, it is only normal for the man to seek divine intervention a day before Delhi’s seventy assembly segments go to vote. What is not normal, however, is for Kejriwal to claim that he had a conversation with God, and that God relieved him of all pressure.

Kejriwal yesterday visited the Hanuman Mandir at Connaught Place, which he had earlier claimed he was a frequent visitor of, and then tweeted about it. Because what good would a visit to a temple serve if it cannot reap some political benefits for the man? While we are all aware that the elections in Delhi have certainly affected Kejriwal’s already questionable mental health, for him to come out in the public and claim to have spoken with Hanuman Ji is rather absurd. Of course, we are not saying that it is an impossible prospect, however, even if true, it would be a deeply personal experience and wisdom (if the man has any) would demand that he keep it to himself. But again, what good would that serve to his political ambitions?

You are doing good work. Continue to work for the people’s betterment in this manner. Leave the results on me. All will be fine,” is what Kejriwal claimed to have been told by Hanuman Ji. It is rather surprising that the man can hear what God has to say to him, but fails to recognize the plight of his governance in Delhi. The condition of Mohalla clinics (or their non-existence), the filthy water supply, the lies about building world-class government schools among others, all seem to have taken a miss towards Kejriwal’s ears.

Kejriwal, off late, has realised that his politics of appeasement of a particular community will get him nowhere in these elections. Therefore, to balance out, he has been taking a pro-Hindu stand for the past few days and also trying to project himself as a devout Hindu, who, unlike other lesser mortals like us, can converse with God. His party manifesto also claimed that if voted to power, the school syllabus would be made patriotic in nature. Hanuman Ji would have indeed been surprised seeing this opportunist suddenly pretending to be a devotee. After all, people usually remember God in times of despair, and for Kejriwal, times couldn’t have been more demanding. If Kejriwal can lie through his teeth about speaking with God, one can only imagine the number of lies he tells the people of Delhi on a daily basis.

Isn’t it amusing how politicians discover spiritual aspects of their personalities only days before elections, and as a result, indulge in incessant temple-hopping?

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