US created a war trap for China and China coolly walked into it

Xi Jinping, Trump, China, hong kong

Showing signs of vulnerability, China has never been this feeble as the US meddles in Hong Kong, the dragon has suspended visit by US Navy ships and aircraft to Hong Kong after the Washington passed a legislation backing pro-democracy protesters. Beijing has also unveiled sanctions against a number of US human rights groups.

The Chinese National People’s Congress, its foreign office and state-controlled media warned the US of “countermeasures” and that American interests in the city of Hong Kong would suffer. Recently, the US Congress has passed the Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy act extending strong support to the Hong Kong protestors.


The US is poking the dragon in the eye with its sanctions on the ongoing humanitarian crisis in Hong Kong. China is very upset about this, with its state-controlled media especially spewing venom on how China would retaliate and target the US. This situation between the two countries could escalate into a never-ending conflict which even might be dangerous for the Hong Kong protestors as angry dragon would do anything to break them.

China is furious and terrified as Hong Kong could even become another Taiwan which would hurt the nation hard. Weak and vulnerable China is all that US wants, however, the dragon would not easily yield its ground to the US, dragon has all the other options, some of which it employs for the Uyghur Muslims, to be used on the Hong Kong protestors. It appears that the USA is poking the dragon and enjoying it while China bares its fangs while being irked and helpless. In such circumstances, Major escalation could take place resulting in more difficult for the world trade.

It must be mentioned that China has been brutal on the protestors with police arresting and beating them but surprisingly no human rights organisation has raised concerns over the treatment of Hong Kong protestors who are demanding more autonomy from China while several organisations have raised idiotic and misinformed concerns about Kashmir. The hypocrisy of various human rights organisations is getting exposed as they have also been silent on the treatment of Uyghur Muslims by China.   

The Hong Kong protestors had urged the US to extend their support in ensuring more autonomy in the metropolitan, which generates a huge amount of revenue for China. Last week, thousands of pro-democracy demonstrators have taken part in a Thanksgiving Day rally in Hong Kong, waving American flags in a show of gratitude toward the U.S. in reaction to a pair of new human rights laws signed by President Donald Trump.

USA’s blatant support to the people of Hong Kong while they in return showed gratitude and affection towards the US by singing the national anthem and waving its flag, this kind of ‘public display of affection’ has left China fuming and more furious than ever on America. This the worst possible thing that can be done to China, waving US flags, and therefore it appears that the protests do not plan to end and will leave a mark on the status of Hong Kong’s political situation for decades, wherein China will have no say. It is not difficult to assume that the people of Hong Kong would have to bear the brunt if some sort of proxy war takes on the streets of Hong Kong.

Hong Kong is indeed emerging as a major challenge among others to China’s authoritarian Communist regime led by President XI Jinping as he tries to increase his influence in the former British colony. President Xi has failed miserably in dealing with Hong Kong and now as US enjoys support from common citizens, the communist regime can do nothing but to be petrified of the thing it fears the most – revolution.

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