How Pakistanis came, saw and infested entire United Kingdom through connections and loopholes

London has a Pakistani origin mayor now

Pakistanis, UK

(PC: Nation Next)

The British Parliamentary elections are scheduled for the 13th of December. Notably, the number of Pakistanis given tickets is the highest this time round, 70 to be precise. In this article, we examine how people of Pakistani origin invaded the UK, settled illegally and are now a formidable vote bank which every party wants to win over.

The London Bridge attack last Friday by one Usman Khan led to the death of two people and injured three others. Incidentally, the said terrorist belonged to PoK, and was earlier committed to terrorising the Kashmir Valley in India. However, his interception and subsequent arrest in 2012 for planning to bomb the London Stock Exchange foiled such ambitions.

In September this year, the Indian High Commission in London was attacked by Pakistani protesters. The said protests were against the Indian government’s act of abrogating Article 370 and fully integrating Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh with India.

Around 2014, when the Rotherham inquiry yielded horrifying results, the conclusions which were drawn showed the helplessness of British society in the face of the growing influence of Pakistani’s and other ‘minority’ communities. The inquiry showed that 1400 young girls, who were supposed to be looked after by the social services in the absence of their parent’s care, were in fact exposed to sexual predating by Pakistani men. These molesters would fool the girls into believing that they cared for them, and then would trap them in a vicious cycle of forced sex. The police meanwhile decided to be a paralytic organization, colossally failing in ensuring safety and justice for these girls, lest they be identified as ‘racist’ and ‘Islamophobes’.

Pakistanis are consolidating their position in the UK. They are forming concentrated communities, strongholds to be precise, with a homogeneous Muslim population. It is for this reason that they are looked at like juicy bones by the political parties. In such strongholds, the police is submissive to act, and the general environment is contradictory to what a modern society should look like.

But the question really is, how did Pakistanis manage to infiltrate the UK, to the extent that London now has a mayor of Pakistani origin? That the said mayor is accused of radical tendencies is a subject to be dealt with later. The loyalties of such individuals however, remain strongly with Pakistan. As such, anti-India protests have become the order of the day in the UK.

A series by the name ‘UK Border Force’, available on YouTube shows how people of various nationalities take advantage of loopholes in the British system, and enter the United Kingdom. In the series, Pakistanis feature in almost every alternate episode, trying to enter the country illegally, or being apprehended at their workplace. It also shows how, contrary to popular opinion, Pakistanis are actually smarter than usually thought of.

The series shows how Pakistanis employ various tactics to enter the United Kingdom and earn a living by duping the system.

Many enter the country on visit/tourist visas and get hold of a job, mostly working as taxi drivers or working in restaurants and hotels which are run by fellow Pakistanis. In one of the episodes, it was shown that the owner of a butchery, who is a Pakistani, had employed fellow Pakistanis whose visas had expired and who had no permission to work in the UK.

After being apprehended by the law enforcement agencies, these individuals admit to having no passports. This gives them a window to escape from the clutches of the agencies and abscond, as the non-availability of passports creates hassles for the agencies and delays deportation. As a result of this the expected delay, the agencies are forced to set the offenders free, who never report back and move to some other part of the country.

Pakistanis, irrespective of age, visit the UK on student visas, where they enroll in ‘bogus’ colleges and produce fake degree certificates. Meanwhile, they work fulltime at various quarters to earn a living. British law requires that a foreign student must work not more than a total of 20 hours a week. However, Pakistani’s exceed the said restriction, earning enough to sustain themselves in the country.

Moreover, having got hold of fake and bogus degrees, they look for work, acquiring IGS (work permit of UK) and extend their stays, mostly without informing and seeking permission of the UK Home Office. Home Office is an institution which Pakistanis seek to avoid, as intimidating them would mean a suicide for them.

In one of the episodes of ‘UK Border Force’, the agencies raided a workplace with plenty foreign workers. Here, there were multiple people of Pakistani origin, claiming they were from Romania. Romania, being a new entrant in the EU, has certain restrictions to its membership. However, a valid work permit is all that a Romanian needs to work in the UK. Taking advantage of this, Pakistanis fudge documents to show themselves as Romanians.

There is no unavailability of avenues for Pakistanis to settle in the UK. Pakistani citizens usually either fool, or bribe British ladies into marriage, therefore becoming eligible to apply for the EU Settlement Scheme, facilitating an uninterrupted stay in UK. This route will cease to exist if and when Brexit fructifies, though. In one of the episodes, the agencies conduct a raid and apprehend a Pakistani man moments before his marriage, spilling water over his dreams of becoming a European national. The dubious tactics used by the Pakistanis is a big headache for the UK authorities. Imagine a Pakistani national using false documents to stay in the UK, he  then makes a living in the country gradually marrying someone from the UK and thereby becoming a UK resident. The person then gets involved in helping others from Pakistan to come and illegally stay in the UK. This goes on and thereby these people get married and have their families in the UK, all based on lies and forgery.

While the UK Border Force have their task cut out, there is only so much they can do as lakhs of people visit the country everyday. The UK Border Force conducts raids in many places, weeding out the over stayers, however, the immigrants very well know the system and its loopholes. Pakistanis especially, are the slimiest lot, getting out of hands of the agencies even after being caught.

The UK has a population of 1.7 Million Pakistanis, the largest in Europe. This data is official (2011 Census). This obviously does not include the illegal settlers of Pakistani origin. It is for this reason that many terror incidents in the UK are traced back to Pakistanis, as they are unable to resist radicalization even in a country like the United Kingdom. In such a scenario, Brexit seems to be the only temporary remedy available for the UK.

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