Chinese mouthpiece hints about assassinating Ted Cruz, after he presents a bill on Taiwan

Really China? You think you can take down a Republican just like that?

Ted Cruz, Taiwan, China, Taiwan

Chinese Communist Party’s official mouthpiece, the Global Times has written an editorial slamming US Republican Senator, Ted Cruz over his support for the “Taiwan Symbols of Sovereignty Act.” The proposed legislation will allow the display of Taiwanese national flag at the US government agencies and on the uniforms of Taiwan representatives working in the US.

According to Christian Whiton, a Senior Adviser to former U.S. President George W. Bush and President Donald Trump said that Cruz has been voicing support for this Bill as he hopes that the US government can partially “peel back” its restrictions on Taiwan.

The Global Times, which is seen as Beijing’s official mouthpiece has published a rather distasteful and aggressive editorial about Ted Cruz’s support to the Taiwan Act. Employing violent rhetoric, the Global Times has claimed that there has been peace in US-China relations because of the US Declaration to the effect, “The United States acknowledges that all Chinese on either side of the Taiwan Strait maintain there is but one China and that Taiwan is a part of China.

Resorting to warmongering, the CCP mouthpiece has stated: In the eyes of certain US politicians like Cruz and Whiton, the one-China policy has inflicted “extreme insults” to Taiwan citizens and set restrictions for the US, but it is exactly this policy that has helped maintain stable China-US ties over the past 40 years. Once Cruz’s ridiculous bill is passed, it would be an overt violation of Washington’s own words, would cast all his predecessors’ efforts to the wind, and lead to disastrous consequences. Taking its bellicose agenda further the Global Times has stated, “China must be and will be reunified – this is Beijing’s persistent position. China has already made it clear that “if anyone dares to split Taiwan from China, the Chinese military has no choice but to fight at all cost for national unity.” 

The Global Times has also stressed that the Bill (the Taiwan Act) is a “bare provocation.” However, the editorial doesn’t stop here and warns that anyone who challenges China’s core interests will have to pay a “heavy price”. It has also warned that if Cruz’s proposal takes the shape of a concrete policy, the US will be paced in a “dangerous situation”. It has also warned that if American politicians continue to interfere in case of Taiwan, “they will eventually draw fire against themselves.” The Global Times has also warned of a worst-case scenario which could mark the end of “US-led order in Asia”.

Zerohedge, an American media portal, has observed, “The rhetoric employed by GT in the editorial was surprisingly violent. At one point, the author even warned that the Chinese army would assassinate American lawmakers like Cruz who get out of line.”

The Global Times is not even subtle in its threats to US politicians like Ted Cruz. In its warning to American politicians like Cruz about paying a “heavy price”, and drawing fire against themselves. Beijing, speaking through its mouthpiece, is openly resorting to a violent agenda against the Republican Senator. This seems more like a threat than a rant especially because we are talking about China and not a reasonable international player. 

The beginning of this year had witnessed, the Chinese President Xi Jinping threatening the Taiwanese to give up their ambitions of greater autonomy, if not complete independence from Beijing. He had made it clear that China reserved the right of using force against Taiwan but its goal is to ensure peaceful “reunification”. By the end of this year, however, the Chinese President seems to be in a fix. The Hong Kong protests and the recent elections in the semi-autonomous region which were swept by the pro-Democracy candidates have already depleted his credibility to a great extent. His woes have been further exacerbated by the ongoing US-China trade war that has proved detrimental for the Chinese economy.

In such circumstances, the pro-Independence leaders would get a further boost if the Republican Senator, Ted Cruz’s support for the Taiwan Symbols of Sovereignty Act translates into reality. Beijing is sensing that it might be heading towards another major setback if Ted Cruz gets to have his way over the Taiwan Act. This is why the Global Times has now openly resorted to violent agenda virtually suggestive of attempts to eliminate American politicians like Ted Cruz who stand for Taiwanese ambition of greater autonomy.  

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