Cow smugglers kill Gau Rakshak Gopal, a father of three little girls. Left liberals look away, right wing netizens raise funds

(PC: Swarajya)

Gopal, a member of ‘Gau Rakshak Samiti’ has been killed by cow smugglers in Haryana’s Palwal district. The Haryana government has said that the murderers will not be spared. However, the members of the left liberal establishment, pseudo secular gang, the Twitter celebrities, and those who wrote letters asserting that ‘Jai Shree Ram’ has become a war cry for violence against minorities, conveniently chose to ignore the brutal murder of the Hindu man, Gopal in what was nothing less than religious hate crime.

Gopal, who was a father of three children and a sole bread earner for the family, saw that cow smugglers were taking away stolen cows. He chased the vehicle and tried to call members of the team dedicated to reporting and sabotaging the operations of cow smugglers, to inform them about the incident. But the smugglers shot Gopal dead. He is a father of three girls and so far no help for the family has come from Haryana government. The united right wing came in support of 35 year old Gopal and so far has raised more than 20 lakh rupees in a fundraiser set up by selfless BJP volunteer Vikas Pandey.

Hindus are treated like lesser humans by the left liberal establishment when they are lynched or murdered in a hate crime. Outrage is selective and in the case of Gopal, mainstream media, as always, was hesitant to pick up the news until reactions on social media condemning the murder of Gopal, took off exponentially. English media looks at Hindi media with disdain, and does not pick up a large number of incidents where Hindus are victims, and if they do, it never becomes a topic of debate or outrage and therefore making Hindu victims appear as lesser humans.

Gopal was shot dead and not lynched to death, but nonetheless, he was murdered in a hate crime for protesting cow theft and smuggling. Cow protection is necessary for a civilizational country like India. Besides being holy to Hindus, cow is a source of income and an expensive asset for farmers and other families especially in rural areas. The theft of a cow hurts economically, but the cow smuggling racket protects itself from the law with arms and goons. Gau Rakshaks are people taking matters into their own hands where villages face the threat of belligerent thieves and smugglers, and the police fail to perform their duties. Gopal chased these smugglers who reportedly already had a grudge against him for pointing out and sabotaging their activities.

The murders of Hindus like Ankit Saxena, Dhruv Tyagi in Delhi, the Bajrang Dal activist Deepak in Mangaluru or the murder of Khetaram Bheel allegedly for having an affair with a Muslim woman, in Rajasthan did not earn succeed in shaking the conscience of the left-liberal cabal, neither the pseudo-secular parties visit their homes, nor did they cry hoarse on the prime time debates. For the parties indulging in ‘tragedy tourism’, as Amanatullah Khan did, the mob lynching of Hindus were conveniently brushed under the carpet by these pseudo-secular parties and anti-Hindu agenda peddlers.

In Jharkhand, after an alleged bike theft, Tabrez was beaten up and put in jail four days after which he got a heart attack and died. All hell broke loose on the hate crime. However, for liberals, the outrage is limited and certainly not for the lesser humans like Gopal or Bharat Yadav. None of these pseudoliberal parties or intellectuals, have demanded compensation for Gopal or Bharat Yadav who was lynched. Dhruv Tyagi and Ankit Saxena received compensation from the government only after months. Even the brutal murder of two Sadhus in Uttar Pradesh by cow smugglers invited no outrage from the left liberal cabal. They had many a times reported the activities of cow smugglers. They were abducted by the cow smugglers, tortured and killed with their throats slit and one of the Sadhus’ tongue severed.

The entire secular-political class jumps to the defense of the victims from one community but the Hindu lynching and murder victims are ignored and there are often attempts to justify their murder in one way or another. The selective outrage and the ‘tragedy tourism’ by the secular political class have reached absurd levels now and must be addressed. While these cases of law and order need to be addressed firmly by the administration, communal, anti-Hindu agenda peddled by certain entities divert the attention from real problems to superficial political communal narratives.

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