Sagarika Ghose offers insincere apology to decorated Army officer Major Navdeep Singh after insulting him


Lutyens journalist Sagarika Ghose who suffers from a serious superiority complex made an insolent comment yesterday, on Major Navdeep Singh, who is a celebrated lawyer and the Indian Territoral Army’s most decorated volunteer ever. Sagarika rudely replied to Major Navdeep Singh, calling him an ‘idiot’ after which she received a severe backlash and a schooling session by thousands on Twitter. Major Navdeep Singh is the youngest recipient of over ten commendations from the Indian Army, however, Sagarika Ghose in all her arrogance dropped all decency while replying to a a tweet from the Army Major.

After insulting the decorated army officer, Major Navdeep Singh, calling him an ‘idiot’ in a tweet, controversial journalist Sagarika Ghosh following the pseudo-liberal route had taken refuge behind an apology after facing firm criticism from all quarters for her arrogant and rude retorts to Major Navdeep Singh. Sagarika Ghose had tweeted:

“Terribly sorry if you were offended. I do believe that your tweets are rather shockingly obtuse and your reasoning intriguingly limited, but of course we must always keep the dialogue civilized. Have a fun evening”

However, for Sagarika Ghose this apology was surely not more than a formality to douse the heat she had been facing after disrespecting the decorated officer of the Territorial army, Major Navdeep Singh. This was evident from Sagarika Ghose’s following tweet mocking her apology.

“Sorry to all, sorry standing on my head, sorry sitting down, apologies, apologies, apologies. I mistakenly thought the person directing the comments at me was a hostile, hence terribly bad usage, apologies all around.”

Earlier Sagarika had posted her skewed perception of war and said “Why the liberal patriot who works for peace loves her country more than those wanting to send the sons of the poor to the front lines to satisfy their own elite bloodlust. Thanks @thewire_in for publishing this extract from my book #WhyIAmALiberal.”

To which Major Navdeep Singh had replied, “I consider myself liberal. I also stand for peace. However women & men in uniform are not “sons of poor”, we’re not a militia satiating a tinpot leadership’s bloodlust. We’re an ethical military working under a constitutional democracy to protect citizenry”

However for Sagarika her knowledge of Warfare surely superseded that of a decorated officer of the Territorial Army and she not only propagated her skewed analysis of war but also had  insulted Major Navdeep Singh, who is  lawyer by profession and has basically signed up to go to war for the Nation whenever the motherland needs him.

She further Tweeted: “The majority of those who fall at the frontier obeying the command of air-conditioned politicians, are more often than not, brave jawans who are indeed sons of the poor”, to which Major Navdeep Singh had given a befitting reply, saying, “If that’s the logic then all govt employees at lower rungs of the official ladder, and even in private sector, are from “poor” families. Why point out the military?” after which Sagarika rudely labelled him an ‘idiot’.

However, for such pseudo-liberal journalists like Sagarika Ghose, it is not the first time they have been caught insulting anyone who had factually opposed their bias and hypocrisy even if it is people more reputed and accomplished than they are. While pseudo-liberals continue to cry foul and claim that their freedom of expression is being hampered they have regularly resorted to abuse against anyone who disagrees with their analysis of situations. While Lutyens journalist Sagarika Ghose considers her overarching claims on the Army and war as superior to everyone else’s assessments including celebrated military officers. This is surely in continuation of the pseudo-liberal modus operandi who consider themselves as the sole repository of knowledge and any other who disagrees with them is called out an ‘idiot’,  ‘bigot’ or sometimes worse. However, this incident is a clear indication that Pseudo-liberals like Sagarika Ghose would no longer be allowed to peddle their propaganda without resistance from sane voices.


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