Shameless: Pakistani Army’s Propaganda-in-Chief tweets a fake video claiming victory on Balakot episode

The Pakistani government has a very good history of hiding the truth from the masses. The ISI and Pakistani armed forces have cultivated the tools of propaganda to fool the common populous.
Asif Ghafoor, Director-General of Inter-Services Public Relations posted a video on Twitter and claimed that Indian Air Force veteran has admitted that Indian Armed Forces lost in the Balakot episode. “Admission of Indian failure and losses on 27 February 2019 by a well-decorated Indian Airforce veteran Air Marshal Denzil Keelor,” tweeted Ghafoor.


However, when cross-checked the video, it came out that it was a video about 1965 Indo Pak war in which Air Marshal Denzil Keelor was talking about India’s lack of preparation for the war. He blamed Nehru for it.
The full 4 minute 43 seconds video is available on YouTube with ‘Nehru lost India the war: Air Marshal Denzil Keelor speaks about India’s battle losses’ title. The link to the video in given below.

Ghafoor’s IT team cut the 1 minute 43 seconds video for the domestic consumption. It is very clear that Pakistani armed forces are trying to put a brave face is in spite of the heavy loss.

Pakistani armed forces lost every war to India but they accept loss of only 1971 war when the country was divided into two and thousands of armed force personals were captured. The armed forces along with civilian government try to put a brave face and mislead the common people of Pakistan despite repeated loss and humiliation.

Previously, Defence Minister Nirmala Sitharaman has confirmed that the Pakistani pilot whose F-16 was shot down by Indian Air Force during aerial combat on February 27 was lynched to death. Sitharaman acknowledged that the Pakistani pilot had indeed died after his aircraft was shot down by Wing Commander Abhinandan Varthaman’s MiG-21.

Sitharaman said, “I don’t want to rely on social media, but you may have seen on social media itself that a Pakistani air marshal, perhaps retired, claiming that the issue of two pilots. I have not double-checked this, but I do want to ask, is it true? Two trained, top pilots of their countries. Both sons of air marshals. One returns to his country, but the other is unacknowledged by the country he died for. Truth is that the F-16 pilot, he was beaten up by villagers, who probably assumed that he was an Indian soldier. He was admitted to a hospital but I don’t think he survived.”

During the 1999 Kargil war, Pakistan had disowned the dead bodies of its own soldiers. After the Indian posts occupied by Pakistani Army intruders were cleared by the Indian Army, Pakistan simply refused to accept the dead bodies of its soldiers. For eleven years, Pakistan had remained in denial mode. Finally, it had acknowledged its troops had infiltrated into India and had also acknowledged that 453 of its officers and soldiers had been killed during the Kargil war.

After the Balakot episode, It had been reported that the Pakistani pilot had died after being lynched by a local Pakistani mob. As per an earlier report, he was mercilessly beaten and lynched by the Pakistani locals who mistook the Pakistani pilot to be an Indian. While the F-16 pilot was able to survive a catastrophic crash, the mob lynched him to death, which clearly showed the Pakistani hatred for India and its citizens.

It is shameful how a Pakistani mob had lynched the Pakistani pilot to death believing him to be an Indian pilot. The terrorist country tried hard to brush this tragic incident under the carpet and simply disowned him. Even after being exposed about this, Pakistan has refused to acknowledge the loss of its pilot in what is only bound to exacerbate his family’s misery.

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