Has the Congress already conceded defeat: Senior party leader does not even cast his vote

Digvijay Singh, vote

(PC: India Today)

In a shocking development, it has come to light that Digvijay Singh, Congress Lok Sabha candidate from Bhopal said, “Yes I couldn’t go to vote to Rajgarh and I regret it. Next time I will register my name in Bhopal.”

It must be noted that Rajgarh is merely 130 km from Bhopal and it takes only around 3 hours to reach Rajgarh from the capital city. However, he could not even manage this short journey in order to exercise his right to vote. He is locked in a tough contest with BJP candidate, Pragya Singh Thakur. He is said to have visited several polling stations throughout the day to track voting. Earlier in the day, he was seen standing outside a temple. When asked whether he will go to cast his vote, he had said, “I will see. I will try to reach”. He had also urged people to participate actively in the elections. He reportedly said, “Go in large numbers and cast your vote. Vote without fear.”

However, it is bizarre that a politician who was asking voters to exercise their franchise chose not to cast his own vote. This not only shows that he is not very hopeful about the prospects of his own party but also shows that he doesn’t hold the democratic set up of India in high regard. A politician failing to exercise his franchise does not set a very good example for the ordinary citizens.

It seems that the veteran Congress leader, Digvijay Singh is not very hopeful about the ongoing polls. It has been manifested by his act of not casting his vote. This hopelessness could have also stemmed out of the fact that the party has fielded him from a very difficult seat. The Congress has not won from Bhopal since 1984 while the Rajgarh constituency is Digvijay’s pocket borough. It is absurd how such a senior party leader has been made to contest from a BJP bastion and that too when a strong candidate on Pragya Singh Thakur has been fielded by the BJP from the Bhopal Lok Sabha seat. Fielding him from such a seat virtually amounts to writing off the veteran’s political career and it seems that the Congress leader is pretty upset about it.

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