From Operation Shakti to Mission Shakti – How two NDA PMs took a quantum leap in India’s defence and prestige

Operation shakti, Mission Shakti

(PC: News Nation)

Proactive efforts towards enhancing India’s security have been the trademark of the NDA Governments. Both the late Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee and the current Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi have been known for their robust stand on issues regarding national and international security. Modernization of the security forces has been a common constant under both Atal Ji and PM Modi . However not limiting to just modernization, the forging of new strategic ties was also part of their defense initiatives.

In 1998, India under the leadership of Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee had shown to the world the advances Indian scientists had made in nuclear technology. ‘Operation Shakti’ consisted of five nuclear detonations, the first of which was a fusion bomb while the remaining four were fission bombs. The tests were initiated on 11 May 1998, under the assigned code name Operation Shakti, with the detonation of one fusion and two fission bombs. On 13 May 1998, two additional fission devices were detonated; Atal Bihari Vajpayee shortly convened a press conference to declare India a full-fledged nuclear state. The tests resulted in a variety of sanctions against India by a number of major states, including Japan and the United States.

These tests met huge positive response from the public, with nationwide celebrations, on India being declared a full-fledged nuclear state. The resistance by foreign government also failed to deter Atal Ji from conducting these game changing nuclear tests.  After the test India established itself as a credible regional power and paved way for taking role as a formidable force in the world. These test marked the beginning of India’s rise as a global power.

Building up on efforts of Atal Bihari Vajpayee, the scientists and millions of soldiers, PM Narendra Modi also followed suit; Narendra Modi’s tenure saw one of the biggest modernization drives in the Indian armed forces. With induction of advanced defense systems, India’s defense forces are set to be at par with the most advance militaries of the world. Similar to Atal Ji’s tenure, PM Modi has always maintained his firm stance against any foreign aggression. PM Modi’s tenure saw our brave forces undertaking successful operations inside and outside our borders to defend citizens and honor of our nation. Balakot air strikes are one notable  example where Indian Air force destroyed terrorist training camps operating across the border in Pakistani territory.

Mission  Shakti , another badge of honor in India’s defense history , made India, a part of an elite group of nations capable of neutralizing enemy satellites from the orbit using ballistic missiles, only USA, China and Russia had this capability before India also joined the ranks. Mission Shakti has not only  proved India’s scientific capability but also indicated the speed at which indigenously developed defense technology will be challenging foreign products. Newly developed anti-satellite weapon, A-SAT was used for this mission.

Both Operation Shakti and Mission Shakti have displayed India’s strong resolve to protect its interests. Under the NDA governments Defense forces have seen major positive developments in defense technology and welfare of defense personnel. With strong will and unbroken resolve Both NDA governments under Atal Ji and PM Modi have shown their commitment towards make the region safer, without bowing to any internal or external pressure.

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