Jaish criticises DNA anchor Sudhir Chaudhary in its mouthpiece

JeM, Sudhir Chaudhary, masood azhar

Maulana Masood Azhar led Jaish-e-Mohammed (JeM) which has been responsible for several terror attacks in India has criticised Zee News programme DNA in an editorial piece in its mouthpiece, Al Qalam. Al Qalam said, “India’s famous channel Zee-DNA’s anchor Sudhir Chaudhary said that India was behind the breakdown of Bangladesh. The Indian government should intensify its action in Pakistan so that Pakistan should get fragmented. Not only this, but in the prime time program, it has been emphasising that Pakistan should be attacked and war is the only way.”

These remarks seem to have been made in wake of the March 6 programme by Zee News editor-in-chief, Sudhir Chaudhary in which he had said, “When India gets angry, Pakistan is blown to smithereens.” He had also said, “This happened in 1971 when Pakistan was divided into two, but now they are beginning to forget the biggest loss in their history. Pakistan is under immense pressure, and one of its regions – Balochistan – is fighting to be free from its rule. The people of Balochistan are fed up of the torture meted out by Pakistan army and want independence.”

It is ironic how a terrorist organisation has criticised a journalist by making allegations of warmongering. It seems that the Masood Azhar led JeM is trying to exonerate itself of the inhuman terror attacks that it has carried out on the Indian soil in the past and shift the blame entirely on a particular set of Indian journalists.

Interestingly, this is not for the first time that a Pakistan-sponsored terror outfit has made a remark about an Indian journalist. In 2016, Jamaat-ud-Dawa (JuD) chief, Hafiz Saeed had praised an Indian journalist for her work. He had accused the Indian media of unfairly criticising his organisation. Saeed had said, “A few fraction of people in India, including in media are accusing me, my organisation (JuD) and Pakistan of terror activities. This is done by them to hide atrocities committed by them against its own people, after which they always blame me what is happening in India”. Then, he had gone on to praise well-known journalist, Barkha Dutt. The JuD chief had stated, “India main Barkha Dutt jaisey log bhee maujood hain bohot acchey baat karneywaley bhee maujood hain (In India good journalists like Barkha Dutt are also present and there are many who make sense)”.

The way JuD chief had praised Barkha Dutt in 2016 and now the Maulana Masood Azhar led JeM severely criticising Sudhir Chaudhary clearly establishes the kind of journalists that the Pakistani terror establishment likes and the ones whom they hate with all their heart. Incidentally, the left-liberal cabal active in India also has similar preferences and their bizarre explanations for liking a particular set of journalists and hating the others are also similar. In the run-up to the 2019 polls, the Al Qalam editorial comes as a wake-up call for the people of India. It clearly indicates the ideology that must be supported in the greater national interest.

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