Congress appoints ‘corrupt’ leader as AICC secretary to Priyanka

Priyanka Vadra, Congress, Kumar Ashish

(PC: Janta Ka Reporter)

Congress set out to prove their loyalty towards corrupt government officials yet again this Tuesday. It has come to light that Kumar Ashish was appointed to the position of AICC secretary by the Congress president on Tuesday night along with five more secretaries for Uttar Pradesh — three each attached to Priyanka Vadra and Jyotiraditya Scindia. Zubair Khan, Kumar Ashish and Bajirao Khade were appointed as AICC Secretaries for UP East and attached with General Secretary Priyanka Vadra.

Making a huge blunder as per usual, the Congress party chose to overlook the fact that Ashish, a Congress leader in 2005, had been booked by the Patna police for involvement in the Bihar board examination papers leak. He was caught solving an original question paper of mathematics of intermediate examination and was arrested on the spot during the raid. Ashish was a part of a corrupt gang who leaked the papers, solved them and subsequently sold it to the examinees. Thereafter, buckling under public pressure, he was removed from the party.

For a ‘youth’ icon, party president Rahul Gandhi’s memory is surprisingly inadequate. The public realized the blunder faster than he could and hence what was witnessed was a flurry of criticism and disapproval by the people on social media.

Congress party, learning nothing from the past, once again proved that they can only take a correct, moral action while facing a situation of public pressure. Rahul Gandhi cancelled the appointment of Kumar Ashish as an AICC, a day after he was assigned the responsibility. “Congress president has approved the proposal for the appointment of Shri Sachin Naik in his place as AICC Secretary,” a statement released by Congress general secretary (organisation) K C Venugopal said. Though no reason was officially given, it is fairly obvious as to what was the driving factor behind this drastic decision. Congress party personally does not object to associating with and encouraging corruption but when faced with a situation of likely public abandonment, they are forced against their wishes to take a decision.

What is ironic is that party was attempting to choose a blend of experienced and low-key faces of the organization; “low-key” being the operative word here. This humiliating fiasco has no less taken place the most politically crucial state of the country wherein the Congress is trying to revive itself, facing a challenge from the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party, as well as from the alliance of the Samajwadi Party and the Bahujan Samaj Party.

The Congress party and in particular Priyanka Vadra are no strangers to corruption. Her spouse, Robert Vadra is undergoing questioning by the probe agency Enforcement Directorate in connection with a money laundering case. This case against him relates to the ownership of undisclosed assets abroad worth 1.9 million pounds. This episode successfully adds “Corruption Sympathizers” to the growing list of apt Congress titles.

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