Mamata Banerjee accuses the NDA government of orchestrating the Pulwama attack

mamata bannerjee, pulwama

Recently, more than 40 CRPF personnel were martyred when a Jaish e Muhammad recruit rammed his explosives laden vehicle into a CRPF convoy at Awantipora in the Pulwama district of Jammu & Kashmir & Ladakh. This incident has left the nation fuming and seething for revenge. While the mastermind behind the mentioned attack has been slayed in a tense encounter by the Indian armed forces recently, the stage is being set for a far more effective retaliation by the Indian armed forces.

However, in this environment of anger and sadness, there are some political opportunists, who have no qualms in using this tragedy for their own benefits. Be it the left liberal intelligentsia, who’re leaving no stone unturned in order to whitewash the suicide bomber, or so called activists like Mallika Dua, who are mocking the death of the martyrs, the list is unending. Enter Mamata Banerjee, who of all people, declares that the NDA government has allegedly orchestrated the Pulwama attack.

In a press conference at Kolkata, Mamata Banerjee posed the following questions, “I have doubts and wonder how the Pulwama attack happened right before the elections. Why were actions not initiated earlier to prevent this?

The government had inputs from intelligence agencies on February 8 about the possibility of an attack prior to the polls. Why was no action taken? Why were 78 convoys allowed to move together?” Mamata further added, “We have got reports that some RSS pracharaks are roaming the streets at night, holding the national flag to create trouble. We do not support this kind of activities in the name of nationalism. We urge the people to not fall prey to such activities.”

There are people who feel that Modi might kill them, then there are people who think that Modi has orchestrated a multibillion scam in the name of purchasing the Rafale fighter jets, and then there is Mamata Banerjee. Accusing the incumbent government of orchestrating a cowardly terror attack against its own paramilitary officials is probably the worst kind of politics anybody can indulge in. By performing this sham, Mamata Banerjee is indirectly supporting the Pakistani narrative at a time when India is desperately trying to keep up a united front.

However, this is the same Mamata Banerjee who has time and again insulted martyrs for her ‘vote bank’. In 2016, when the armed forces conducted a mock drill following some tension on the borders in West Bengal, Mamata became hysterical, accusing the armed forces and the NDA government of attempting to throw her out of power.

This is not all. Just recently, when Mamata resorted to ghastly measures when CBI officials arrived to interrogate state police chief Rajeev Kumar , she also tried to put obstacles for the very CRPF that she is now quite ‘supportive’ of.  Is there no limit to your hypocrisy, dear Mamata Banerjee? People of Bengal are watching.

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