Leftist Media comes out in support of its beloved Tharoor and castigates Arnab Goswami

Barkha Dutt, Arnab Goswami

(PC: Newsmobile)

A Delhi court has directed the police to lodge an FIR against Republic TV Editor-in-Chief Arnab Goswami after Congress Lok Sabha MP Shashi Tharoor filed a criminal complaint against him. The senior Congress leader in his complaint accused that Arnab Goswami illegally accessed confidential documents related to the investigation into his wife Sunanda Pushkar’s death.

It’s no secret that Shashi Tharoor is a darling of the Lutyens’ media, they just love his ‘Tharoorian English’. Therefore, here in this case instead of appreciating Arnab’s investigative journalism and standing in support of his intrepid venture, the cabal is siding with Shashi Tharoor.

Arnab Goswami’s antithesis, Barkha Dutt, seems jubilant about the Delhi court’s order. The controversial journalist and former NDTV anchor Barkha Dutt said, “This man (Arnab Goswami) has routinely tarnished journalists and even called for their trial and arrest. I wont shed a tear for him facing criminal action for his dangerous, communal and vile reportage.”

If the aforementioned signifies anything at all, it is Barkha’s insecurity & viciousness as observed by this twitter user.

Barkha Dutt’s tweet is also a classic case of the pot calling the kettle black. She is notorious at peddling a particular agenda and people have exposed her time and again, but she doesn’t let that deter her from spreading her nefarious agenda.

Also read:BarkhaDutt exposed on Twitter, for her false reporting on Kashmiri Pandits !

As a journalist, she has such a glorified career that no one wants to get associated with her. As a journalist, she has hardly any credibility left. Last time, it was Nira Radia who found Barkha Dutt very credible and trustworthy. Barkha Dutt and her close affiliations to the Congress are not hidden from anyone. While common people praise Arnab Goswami for his courageous journalism, on the other hand Barkha Dutt is praised by Hafiz Saaed- mastermind of the 26/11 attacks.

Just a day back, Arnab Goswami slammed Barkha Dutt without taking her name. At an event, Arnab said, “It is very important to be a right-winger on many issues. I have said today, I am the first in the media who has said that I am happy to be identified on several issues as a right winger. Because, if it is right wing to be nationalistic then there is a pride in being a right-winger; if it right wing to stand for the integrity of this country and say that Kashmir is, was and remains a part of India then there is a certain confidence with which I say it’s a right winger, it’s better than being sold out on the Nira Radia tapes and being followed up with a compliment by Hafiz Saeed. I mean, if you get complimented by Hafiz Saeed, you should quit the profession and leave the country, if you have any shame.”


Arnab was unabashedly savage, and apparently that’s why Barkha Dutt tweeted against him. Indian ‘liberal’ journalists are an amusing lot. They preach tolerance, but proudly practice intolerance of the worst kind. They say Freedom of Press and Freedom of Speech are in danger only when it suits their narrative. 

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