Prime Minister Modi birthday special: Five times when he flummoxed his opponents

Prime minister Modi turns 68 today. The most popular Indian statesmen till date, he has been known for his excellent political acumen, wit and sarcasm which very often takes his opponents by total surprise. He knows how to maintain the dignity of the top office that he is holding and at the same time send across the point that he wants to make. Whether it is parliament speeches, election rallies or diplomatic talks, prime minister Modi remains a wonderful orator and a astute leader. Here we look at five such instances when prime minister Modi humbled his opponents in the last one year.

1. PM Modi refuses to sign the MoU with British PM Theresa May

In the month of May this year, prime minister Modi was to sign a deal with the United Kingdom to send illegal Indian immigrants back to India. In return, the United Kingdom was to ensure easier access to Indians over British visas. However, when it came to signing the deal, the British simply went back on their promise. Chinese were granted forty percent of the total visas by the British. Seeing how, the British went back on their promise, prime minister Modi simply refused to sign the deal even though the MoU on illegal immigrants was at the centre of his visit. With this, prime minister Modi made it clear that India is not to be taken lightly. His actions clearly took UK prime minister Theresa May by surprise and left the British red faced.

2. Theresa May asks a loaded question to PM Modi, PM Modi gives the most fitting response

Theresa May seems to be a special target for prime minister Modi. Reportedly, May had expressed her concerns about the deplorable conditions of the Indian jails in connection with extradition of fugitive Vijay Mallya. She wanted to know if Vijay Mallya would be treated well in the Indian prisons and opined that British courts who investigated the issue were concerned about the poor condition of Indian prisons. According to external affairs minister Sushma Swaraj, prime minister Modi replied that, ‘I know that your courts have come to see the conditions of our jails, and let me tell you that these are the very prisons which housed people like Mahatma Gandhi and Jawaharlal Nehru, among other big Indian leaders, so it wouldn’t be feasible now for the courts to comment on this issue.’ This made it clear that the British who were guilty of the most of inhumane of excess in the then British India jails have no right to make a comment upon the conditions of India’s jails in today’s time.

3. PM Modi Vs all, PM Modi beats all

Probably, the most humiliating moments came for the opposition during the prime minister’s speech at the time of no confidence motion in July this year. It was full of lethal attacks taking the opposition by storm. Prime minister Modi took a barb at Rahul Gandhi’s claim of being Lord Shiva’s devotee. The PM stated that he himself is also a devotee of Lord Shiva and that he will pray to the almighty that give you (Gandhi and the Congress) the strength to bring a no-confidence motion in 2024, thereby, making it clear that the Congress and the opposition is in for a rout in the upcoming 2019 general elections. In his hard-hitting speech he also took on Rahul Gandhi for his forcible hug to prime minister Modi stating that the trust vote had not even been initiated but Rahul Gandhi was restless and desperate asking prime minister Modi to give up and stand up. Modi made it clear that he is sitting there on the basis of an electoral mandate and only the electorate can compel him to give up power.

4. PM Modi’s London speech

In his address from the iconic Central Hall in Westminster, London, in April this year, prime minister Modi showed how he can take on the opposition even while speaking in the most dignified way at a formal event. He gave a telling blow to the opposition on a question regarding politicization of surgical strikes. Prime minister Modi replied that the platform is not to be used for political remarks but hoped that good sense prevails among those who politicized this issue. Therefore, without taking any names or going haywire, he was able to expose how the opposition was politicizing such a sensitive issue. This was a enough to send his message across.

5. The Royal snub of Canadian PM Justin Trudeau

The royal snub of Canada’s prime minister Justin Trudeau will also go down as one of the many surprising and bold moves taken by prime minister Modi. Trudeau is known for his soft sympathy towards radical elements, especially towards Khalistani sympathizers and supporters. Some of such Khalistani extremists have made it to Trudeau’s cabinet as well. When he was in an official visit to India, it was made amply clear to him that national interests are the supreme consideration for us. Trudeau got the most awkward treatment on his arrival to India. The minister of state for agriculture was sent to receive Justin Trudeau when he landed in India. Canada is not some third world country and this becomes all the more significant given the fact that prime minister Modi himself receives several world leaders at the airport when they land in India. Prime minister Modi did not even make an attempt to give a personal touch to Trudeau’s visit. It is clear that Trudeau was embarrassed for his soft support to anti-India elements.

Prime minister Modi remains unmatched as far as political acumen, statesmanship and oratory are concerned in today’s time. He is only growing bigger and evolving as time is passing by much to the opposition’s discomfort.

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