Dhruv Rathee caught spreading fake news again!

The people of Kerala are reeling under devastating floods. The death toll has climbed to 324 lives and the catastrophic floods have claimed lakhs of people in the state homeless. As reported by Rightlog.in earlier, the Congress followed by the CPI (M) government in Kerala are responsible for this disaster. As Madhav Gadgil Committee had warned the Kerala government in 2011 itself of the ominous signs of a massive flood hitting the state. A set of precautions to avoid destruction by such floods was also given. However, the Kerala government did not do anything for seven straight years and now people of Kerala are paying for their inefficiency. Such has been the apathy of the state government, that Madhav Gadgil has labelled the recent floods as a “man made disaster”.

However, the leftist-liberal cabal has still been indulging in petty party politics over the catastrophic floods. They have been continuously alleging that the centre and the BJP-ruled states are not providing sufficient aid to Kerala in a time of acute crisis. Even when the centre has already allocated Rs. 500 crores towards Kerala as assistance and NDRF has evacuated 15,000 people in the state.

Seeing a golden opportunity to gain popularity over the corpses of flood victims in Kerala, a dogmatic, anti-Modi YouTube blogger, Dhruv Rathee went on to claim that BJP ruled states have not allocated even a rupee in the form of assistance towards flood-hit Kerala on his Facebook page. It seems that realizing that he has been caught red handed as several BJP states have contributed funds towards aid of Kerala fund victims, Rathee has deleted this disgraceful post. However, soon an amended post came up on his Facebook page. This time around it listed four BJP states which have contributed funds towards the flood victims in Kerala. He now claimed that it was only three to four hours after his post that these BJP states allocated funds to the state of Kerala. Thus, the little known YouTube blogger claimed that it was only after he wrote a post about it, the BJP ruled states realized their folly and decided to contribute towards Kerala in times of dire need. This is nothing but a naive attempt by Rathee to divert attention from his blunder. He is trying to punch way above his weight by even thinking that any state government would act on the basis of his post. The reality is that BJP state governments have come out to help Kerala very enthusiastically. However, Rathee did not want to apologise for his grave error and therefore tried to play smart by stating that it was only after his taking the cognizance of this matter that the BJP acted.

This is not for the first time that Rathee has been found making fake claims. Earlier, Vikas Pandey, founder of ‘I Support NaMo’ had filed a criminal case against Rathee along with Kejriwal and co. over fake accusations against him. Rathee has indulged in cheap tactics by making fake allegations and then trying to claim innocence and making even more unsustainable claims thereafter. 

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