Modi Govt. hints at taking the ordinance route for Ram Mandir construction, opposition panics.

ram mandir, ordinance, ayodhya,yogi, ram temple, opposition


The BJP, in the run-up to 2014 General Elections, promised the construction of Ram Mandir in Ayodhya and included it even in its election manifesto. Time and again BJP leaders have reiterated their commitment for the cause of construction of Ram Mandir which has been a long awaited dream of crores of Hindus across the world. Last month, Subramanian Swamy, in his prophetic tweet, had suggested that Ram Mandir issue is likely to be resolved soon as the Court verdict is due soon. Few days ago, Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath also gave assurance that Ram Mandir would definitely be constructed in Ayodhya. He said, “No one should have any doubt about the construction of Ram temple in Ayodhya. Ram Mandir will definitely be constructed here.”

BJP’s rise in National politics started from the Ram Mandir movement. This issue is one of the reasons behind the BJP’s increase in tally from 2 seats in 1988 to being the single largest party of India. People are expecting the BJP to deliver its promise of construction of Ram Temple. This single issue would be a decider of the BJP’s fate in the upcoming 2019 General elections. The spiritual leaders of Ayodhya have made it very clear that if the BJP doesn’t fulfil its promise then they should not expect their support.

Now, as the 2019 General Elections are approaching near, there are speculations that BJP government has planned to bring an ordinance to start the construction of Ram Mandir. That might be last resort of the government in case the court further delays the matter of Ram Mandir. A few days ago, the BJP leader Uma Bharti called for the amendment to the Constitution for the construction of a Ram Mandir. 

Clearly, this has sent shivers into the opposition camp and they are panicked. It is clearly evident in Congress leader Shahid Siddiqi’s tweet. He has been with the Congress, the Samajwadi Party and is a notorious anti-BJP voice.

The desperation and panic in Shahid Siddiqui’s tweet is not without merit, at least going by the logic of the opposition and the precarious position they will be in if Modi government decides to take the ordinance route to Temple. The opposition will be caught in a catch 22 situation once the government commences the construction of Ram Temple through an ordinance route. Apart from the likes of Owaisi and Shahid Siddiqi, the rest of the opposition would not even dare to oppose it because it would be a political suicide for them not just in Lok Sabha elections but also in the state assembly elections. The BJP would then continuously remind people how the opposition parties obstructed the construction of Ram Mandir. If the opposition didn’t oppose then the BJP will smoothly fulfil its promise and it would claim that it’s the BJP government which constructed the Ram Mandir and not the anti-Hindu opposition parties. Overall, it would be a win-win situation for the BJP.

 The Ram Mandir is not just a temple. It is a symbol of faith and struggle. A struggle to fight back, restore and preserve the faith. A Ram Mandir would also put Ayodhya on a fast track of growth and development. It would completely change the face of Ayodhya forever and Ayodhya would get back its rightful place in the conscience of Indians worldwide. 

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