According to the NDTV, only Hindus have superstitions, others have ‘miracles’

ndtv, virgin marry, weeping

NDTV, the leading voice of the leftist cabal in India, this time has chosen to run a story about a Virgin Mary statue in New Mexico shedding ‘olive oil’ tears. The 7 foot tall bronze statue which is placed inside a Catholic Church in New Mexico is known as Our Lady of Guadalupe by the locals. An investigator with the Roman Catholic Diocese of Las Cruces told NDTV that the statue “is not crying human tears” and that “the “tears” have the same chemical makeup as olive oil treated with perfume – a substance that, when blessed, would be chrism, a sacred oil used in the Catholic church to anoint the parishioners”. It is surprising that the NDTV team which is comprised of self-declared “intellectuals” and “liberals” did not have even an iota of doubt when they heard of the topic and chose to release it without adding any hint of skepticism. The reporting by the ‘media’ house instead chose to focus on “how the people are responding to the phenomenon and why they may want to believe in it.”

The statue of Virgin Mary started weeping on the Pentecost Sunday on May 20th and was noticed immediately by parishioners at the Catholic Church. According to the NDTV report, the business manager for the Church told The Washington Post that the statue continued weeping the next day too and has since wept many times. The priest of the Church Rev. Jose Segura clarified that it was the first time he had seen something like this happening in his 12 years of priesthood.

The funny thing about all the people and ‘investigators’ who have checked for facts and evidences related to the event, is that they all belong to the church. The church in New Mexico is benefitting heavily from the weeping statue, a stream of donations have come to the church. People from faraway places have started flocking to the church to pray and wish for their betterment and this is exactly what the church wanted. Why then should it invite engineers or scientists to study the statue and accompanying areas? But sadly this is something which NDTV skipped in their report and chose to highlight it as a miracle.

Many such incidents and ‘miracles’ had happened in churches of South India in the last few years, the reason for the weeping statues was found out to be leaking pipes from toilets and clogged drains. This ‘olive oil’ leaking statue will definitely turn out to be a similar incident if an independent research team without any bias is given the job. The church will not allow that to happen as it will hamper their good times and media houses like NDTV help them by making this an opportunity to glorify the church. Both the church and NDTV have tried to downplay this sham which is being committed to mislead the people. Had incident like Virgin Mary statue weeping taken place inside a temple in India it would have made for a good topic for Hindu bashing. Superstition and backwardness are present across countries and religions, why the NDTV is glorifying one and denounces others is what makes them a propaganda peddling news portal.

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