“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear.”
This quote of Marcus Tullius Cicero, the influential politician of Ancient Roman Republic, aptly defines the Urban Naxals. The Urban Naxals are also no less than traitors. Sitting in their Lutyens’ bungalows and intellectual comfort zones, these Urban Naxals extend intellectual and financial support to the armed Naxalites who want to capture the power through armed struggle against the Indian state.
Now, when we have a government in the Center who is working to curb the menace of Naxalism, these Urban Naxals are coming out from their caves and ranting against government for its action against the Naxal terrorists. In the most recent blow to the Naxals, security forces killed 40 terrorists in Gadchiroli, Maharashtra. This came as a huge shock to Naxal sympathizers like Nandini Sundar. She is a notorious professor, and wife of The Wire’s editor Siddharth Vardarajan. She took to twitter to express her sadness caused by the deaths of Maoists.
I am deeply saddened by the deaths of the Maoists in Gadchiroli as I am saddened by the deaths of the security forces who are fighting them. This senseless war must come to an end. If the Govt can talk to Nagas, why not to Maoists. The adivasis of India need peace.
— N S (@nandinisundar) April 26, 2018
As if sympathy was not enough, a Pune-based journalist-turned-social worker, Raosaheb Dokhe warned in his FB post, “40 Comrades have been killed by the government in the Fake Encounter (staged gunfight). This will be definitely avenged – Blood for Blood – 400 cops for 40 (Maoists) killed (sic).” He also warned the government “Wait for sometime – Your future is not good” before signing off with a “Lal Salam.” Earlier, he had also incited violence against security forces appealing that: “Let us kill all those police, who killed our comrades brutally.”

It looks like the government taking action against the Naxal terrorists, has irked the Urban Naxals to no end. Especially the Gadchiroli bloodbath has really rattled the Naxals both in the jungles and the city.
These communists don’t just want to kill the security forces personnel. They want to kill all the 31% of Indians who voted the BJP to power. Deepa Nishanth, a CPI (M) activist, endorsed the post of Bengaluru based IT professional Deepak Sankaranarayanan. The post states, “Even if it means shooting the 31% of people who supported Hindutva terrorism. Democracy is for every individual, whatever be the number of people standing against it (sic).” By profession a writer and assistant Professor of Sree Kerala Varma college in Thrissur, Deepa Nishanth in the past also has been in news for all the wrong reasons. She made below-the-belt controversial remarks against Sangh Parivar. Reportedly, she also supported SFI for displaying a nude Saraswati painting on a college campus. Deepak Sankaranarayanan has been booked by the cyber police. He has been arrested under sections 153 (A) and 153 (B) of the IPC for promoting enmity between religious groups.
This is the frustration of Urban Naxals which is coming out in the open now because we don’t have a Congress government in power who will tolerate these anti-India activities in the name of ‘secularism’. If the recent trends are any indications, Naxals are on the verge of extinctions. It would be wise for the Urban Naxals to learn from this and turn away from anti-India activities.