Eight year old baby killed in unprovoked firing by Pakistan shows that the time for words is over

pakistan, baby

PC: The Economic Times

It is utterly disgraceful for any military power to target innocent civilians, especially women and children. The Pakistan military establishment has transgressed all limits of humanity even as it mercilessly killed an eight month old baby when he was sleeping with his family in Pallanwala sector of Jammu and Kashmir. Pakistan has been resorting to continuous ceasefire violations along the rugged border with the state of Jammu and Kashmir which have resulted in heavy civilian casualties on the Indian side of the border. Due to heavy firing by Pakistan amid war-like situations, 40,000 civilians have been forced to evacuate from their homes to military camps, while 12 people have died due to the dastardly attacks by Pakistan specifically targeting civilian areas.

The Pakistan Army and Pakistan Rangers are nothing but a bunch of spineless cowards. Incapable of taking on the might of the Indian Army and the Border Security Force (BSF), Pakistani soldiers are now targeting innocent infants in order to impress upon the military leadership and the gullible Pakistani masses. This speaks volumes of the low standards of the entire Pakistani establishment and how it is driven solely by Indophobia.

What is even more disgusting is the fact that a section of the “intellectuals” and politicians in India have been proposing that India makes peace with these inhumane savages that have killed several civilians in unprovoked firing. At times, they have even gone to the extent of suggesting that India is responsible for the prolonged hostilities between the two nations. In fact, these Pakistan loving peaceniks have time and again portrayed India as the villain and have gone out of their way to pander to Pakistan. These peaceniks who seem to be suffering from ideological indoctrination have gone to the extent of unabashedly claiming that it is the Modi government that has been creating a war like scenario while asserting that Pakistan has been acting like an ideal neighbour.

In fact, certain politicians feels that evacuating civilians from bordering areas amounts to creating war hysteria. How can securing the life of our citizens be taken as tantamount to creating war hysteria? They believe that Pakistan violating ceasefire on an everyday basis does not amount to waging a proxy war on their part, but the Indian government and the armed forces retaliating against unprovoked firing from Pakistan is tantamount to waging war. None of these pro-Pakistan elements having close connections with the Pakistani intelligentsia have condemned the killing of the 8 month old baby. It clearly shows that they are intentionally avoiding and denying the reality that Pakistan has already started a proxy war with India and peace talks are not only useless but even detrimental to India’s interests. Given the inhumane attacks carried out by Pakistan, India needs to name and shame Pakistan on a world forum. Only minimal diplomatic relations should be maintained with Pakistan at this stage. If at this point, we start encouraging peace talks with the terrorist nation and promoting people-to-people engagements, no other nation will take us seriously. We will appear like a confused and clueless nation incapable of defending its citizens against a belligerent and terrorist nation. Instead of appearing like a weak nation, we must hit them hard for every dastardly act on their part.

India has summoned Pakistan deputy high commissioner over the killing of the eight month old baby. However, this is not going to be of much use and seems to be a mere diplomatic formality. India should now go after the Pakistani military posts with all its might. The killing of the baby also calls for a more pro-active strategy on India’s part. Instead of using attack as a strategy of defence, India must continuously attack Pakistani posts and thereby disallowing them to target and inflict damage on villages and military facilities in Jammu and Kashmir. The ceasefire between the countries is now a mere sham and India need not pay much heed to it. There is also a need to stop engaging with Pakistani forces like a military force. It should be taken for granted that the entire Pakistani military establishment, however extremist it may sound, is an intricate and well organised terrorist group. Their acts and behavior strongly resemble that of any other terrorist outfit, as demonstrated by their targetting of civilians. They should not be seen as civilised soldiers merely because they are on the payroll of the Pakistan government. They are terrorists masquerading as soldiers.


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