NDA shames Congress by foregoing MP salaries for the unproductive Budget session

ahmed patel congress NDA Congress

Image Courtesy: HT

In stark contrast to the Congress led government of previous years, one thing has become clear after watching the 4 years rule of the National Democratic Alliance (NDA) government is that its goal-oriented and intent upon getting things done. The other thing which has become apparent in these past years is how the Congress is hell bent upon hindering India’s development. It doesn’t matter whether Congress is on the ruling side or sitting in the opposition, it will try and disrupt India’s growth in any way it can. The ongoing Budget session witnessed maximum efforts by Congress workers to hamper meaningful work. The pointless shouting and blame game started from the 5th of March resulted in the loss of taxpayer’s money and waste of constructive time. Immeasurable losses happened due to bills not getting passed, bills which could have made the life of individuals and communities across the country prosperous. But then again, why should Congress feel sorry for something which is its USP, making the lives of Indians harder while Congress Members of Parliament get to enjoy generous salaries and heavy allowances which adds up to approximately 2.7 lakhs per month.

Congress is determined to halt any type of legislation that would entail better livelihood for the citizens and welfare of the communities. This has been their modus operandi in their long history of working against the interests of the Country.

Their plan failed this time as the BJP MPs planned to give a fitting reply to the harassment done by Congress MPs. Union Minister Ananth Kumar has apologized to the people of India and shamed the opposition in a brilliant statement. He said, “BJP-NDA MPs have decided to not take salary & allowances for 23 days as the parliament has not been functional. This money is given to serve the people & if we are not able to do so we have no right to take the people’s money.”

He was supported by NDA member & Lok Janshakti Party (LJP) chief Ram Vilas Paswan, who commented, “It was a unanimous decision. Opposition is not allowing the House to function and crucial bills which will impact people’s lives could not be taken up.”

This move of the ruling party has astounded the Congress and people of India alike, it is the first time when a government has come forward to accept accountability for work not done. Even though the fault lies with the opposition, this heart-felt apology will go a long way in improving the image of the NDA government. The Congress should feel the jolt of this move, if they still are capable of feeling a thing or two. Congress could also learn a couple of things from this move, what it means to be trustworthy and how not to misuse and squander away the power which they have been given by the constituents. The washout of the budget session should be pinned on the Congress and other parties who did not let the government discuss and pass bills related to public welfare. This unanimous decision of the NDA MPs, led by PM Narendra Modi, will reinstate the faith of the people in his promise of good and accountable governance. Congress and other regional parties will be left exposed for their lack of sensitivity towards the common people of this country. And this is precisely what NDA wants to present through this master stroke.

The duplicity of the power hungry opposition which has kept on applying brakes on India’s progress when and whenever they could stands in stark contrast to the empathy and sense of accountability demonstrated by NDA.  

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