Media and Bollywood ignore minor girl’s rape in a Madrassa in Ghaziabad.

rape maulvi madrassa


‘Rape’, this four letter word is enough to send shivers down the spine of any sensible and well meaning human around the globe. There is something much more than just physical and sexual torture that takes place. It is very difficult to measure the pain on emotional and mental levels irrespective of the gender, caste or religion of the victim. In recent times we have seen how a heinous crime like rape can be politicized too. The Kathua and Unnao case was a prime example where the leftist media houses and their political patrons blamed an entire government and an entire religion for the acts of a few accused. The government’s fault was that it represented the majority community to which the accused belonged. The opposition and their media team were out for blood, they wanted death for the rapists and resignations from the respective governments. It felt right too at the time, but then slowly the narrative of the incident changed. From a rape against a minor girl, it got changed to rape of a Muslim girl perpetrated by the Hindus. Religious bigotry and copious use of the temple name clarified that the people from the left might be out on the streets asking for justice but their real intentions were blaming and shaming the majority population of the country. It became apparent when the recent Ghaziabad rape case committed by a Muslim minor, who was supported by his Maulvi (cleric) of the Madrassa, came out in the open.

10 year old girl from Ghazipur had first come in contact with the 17 year old guy when they had been neighbours in Sahibabad. The 17 year old boy is a student who used to study in a Madrassa in Ghaziabad. He had planned the entire thing in advance and had plotted with the Maulvi in the Madrassa. On the fateful day when the girl went missing, the Muslim boy traveled to Ghazipur and lured the girl to accompany him. Call records and CCTV footage have confirmed the boy’s location and the story of the crime.

The boy led the girl back to his Madrassa on April 21, 2018. The same day the parents of the girl had lodged a complaint at the Ghazipur police station of East district. On Sunday midnight, after getting some leads, the Delhi police team conducted a raid on the Madrassa after contacting the local Sahibabad station.  It was a successful raid as the minor girl was rescued from a room in the Madrassa. The room was used by the Maulvi for rest between classes. Based on the statements given by the girl, Maulvi and the 17 year old minor guy were caught by the police. The 10 year old girl, who is thankfully alive, has said that many other people apart from the two had touched her in private place during the period of her confinement in the room. The police though was content with picking up and questioning just two people in the case till now.

A 10 year old girl raped by two men belonging from a minority community, kept in a Madrassa for 2 days, in a room, sedated, drugged and possibly raped by  many  more men whose hearts were as dark as that of any rapist in the world. Yet no media channel is displaying this news in the prime-time slot today, no Kareena Kapoor Khan or Swara Bhaskar has taken up a placard on the minor girl’s behalf. Is it just because the girl belongs to the Hindu community while all the perpetrators were Muslim? Is India or Hindustan, whichever names they choose to represent the country, this time not ashamed? We can just say one thing, whenever a rape happens in our homeland, Bharat is ashamed and aghast and it demands justice. That is why you must protest in whatever way you can to demand capital punishments under the newly amended POCSO act for the Maulvi as well as for the 17 year old juvenile.

We also ask the so-called liberals to not take the wrong side in this case. There is a need to educate the public about this heinous crime, there is no need to politicize and justify an act on the lines of religion.

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