Darul Uloom’s latest Fatwa is one of their weirdest Fatwas ever

Darul Uloom fatwas

Religion, with all its merits and demerits, rests on the shoulders of those who chose to propagate and perpetuate it. And in this lies the biggest vulnerability of a society that places much faith in the discourse of religion. Careless interpretation of written scriptures or selective ideology does more harm than any other misinformation.

Darul Uloom has been largely infamous for issuing Fatwas in matters one would not associate to be offensive to religion.

In its latest endeavour, it has issued a fatwa asking Muslims to avoid families that earn Haram money earned by working in a banking job. Before you laugh or pity the ludicrousness of this, let us have a look at the fatwas issued by Darul Uloom in the past.

• Fatwas against posting photos on social media
• Fatwa against women from becoming judges
• Fatwa against Muslim women going to beauty parlors
• Fatwas against birthday celebrations

The list is long and stops making sense as soon as you begin with it. In the latest fatwa, Darul Uloom describes banking job as one that generates income from interest- considered Haram in Islam. Hence, families should not marry in houses where people are engaged in a banking jobs.

Although the directive issued by the Islamic seminary has met with divided opinion from the Muslim clergy itself, one cannot help but wonder at the thought process of those issuing these.

 As clerics from opposing institutions argue that since a lot of Muslims are employed in the banking industry, the fatwa should be lifted, or revoked- it begs an important question; is Darul Uloom creating these directives out of their own whim? Because if it really is the way of Islam to not marry into banking families, how can Darul Uloom chose to revoke it? Can it be selective in its interpretation of the Quran? So much so that it undermines the right of a member of their religion to call a job they do or profession they hold as a dignified one?

The Fatwa issued by Darul Uloom fails to mention its own ten bank accounts listed on their website- accepting donations from India and abroad.

Darul Uloom is also critical on the triple talaq issue, opposing the criminalization of it as being against the welfare of muslim women. As you wonder over it, please keep in mind that 22 countries, including muslim nations (Pakistan) have banned the practice of triple talaaq. 

Is it not time that such seminaries not be given the reverence and attention given by the community? Any person in his sane mind would take one look at the Fatwas issued by them and know that this is not a religious mouthpiece, but a bunch of people deciding how a whole community will lead their lives. The progress of the community means nothing to them. Their Fatwa banning chanting of “Bharat Mata ki Jai” proves that harmony of the nation means nothing to them. If it truly believes in its directives, should it not close the Ten bank accounts it has listed on its website to accept donations from India and abroad? Is it not hypocritical to preach something and practice the other as and when it suits you?

And on that note, how many fatwas does the Darul Uloom intend on issuing, keeping in mind the list of things considered un-islamic .

• Listening to music
• Alcohol consumption
• Gambling
• Men wearing silk & gold
• Tattoos
• Any business undertaken with profit motive












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