Congress’ Video Attacks on BJP: Dishonorable, Crass and Offensive

congress video

“When it comes to Kuru family, we are one hundred and five”, said mighty Yudhishthir in Vana Parva of Mahabharat.

In one of the continuous events of tormenting the sinless Pandavas, few Kauravas along with fearful Karna decided to attack Pandavas in Dvait van during the latters’ exile. But their heart’s natural inclination made them to enter another fight before they could actually attack Pandavas. They entered into a war with Gandharvas who not only defeated them, along with Karna, but also kidnapped Duryodhan. The Kaurava army that had come to attack Pandavas, took shelter of them and requested to help release Duryodhan.

Upon their request, there was only one thing Yudhishthir thought – ‘Pride of Kuru family’ and helped release Duryodhan by fighting Gandharvas. This didn’t end the mutual enmity but an outsider could not intrude into family’s pride.

I still remember when Manmohan Singh was called “Dehati Aurat” during his tenure by Pakistan, Narendra Modi was the only leader, though in opposition, who bravely challenged the disgraceful comment of Pakistan by directly addressing their PM.

Modi was quoted saying “How dare you (Sharif) address my nation’s Prime Minister as a village woman? … This nation of 120 crore will not tolerate its Prime Minister’s insult”.

This may not have anything to do with him questioning the work of Manmohan Singh internally but when nation’s respect was at stake, he spoke up. And this is what shows the integrity of a nation. Whatever political rivalry is, it stays within the country.

Recently, Congress’s social media handles have hit a new low by not only making disrespectful cartoons of PM Narendra Modi, Uttar Pradesh’s CM Yogi Adityanath but also stooped down insulting India’s closest ally Israel by dragging their PM in their political game.

Congress recently released a video where PM Modi was termed an awkward hugger. The video features PM Modi’s hugs with various world leaders such as Abe Shinzo, Benjamin Netanyahu, Donald Trump etc. Replete with memes, funny music and placement of frames that make a respectable hug look awkward, the video is nothing but a reminder of how low Congress can stoop. In a small world connected through social media, things will not always be portrayed as a political party or a handful of JNU students in their sweet fifties targeting country’s guest, but it will look bad on our country’s name.

Just few days before this event, Congress released a video mocking Yogi Adityanath. The one-minute-long video from the @INCIndia official handle, with the hashtag #RecipeForDisaster, targeted Yogi as the one who puts together a communal cauldron with a mixture of criminal records, lies, misogyny and saffron tint and “served with hate” and with “zero attention to development” — a video that seems to take on Yogi head-on, a week after he campaigned for the BJP in many rallies.

Such attacks in politics and a little humor has been a part of politics but when people clearly realize when it goes below the belt. There has been other mud-slinging on Twitter, with Siddarmaiah asking Yogi to visit ration shops and Indira canteens during his visits to Karnataka as this could help him (Yogi) solve poverty in his own State — Yogi responding that Karnataka has seen the maximum farmers’ suicides. As far as you question each other’s work, it is fine as it not only helps expose working of an elected government but could lead to constructive solution for the citizens.

These below-the-belt attacks and crass video content depict the absence of a proper agenda with Congress. If you ponder, all the parties, be it BJP, SP, BSP, CPM, everyone have one or other ideology but Congress has been living without one for many years now and this has resulted to breaking of its backbone within four years of Modi’s rule.

Be it the United States, Russia, Japan, Israel, it has been Narendra Modi’s way of welcoming his counterparts by hugging them which the Congress has termed as bear-hug diplomacy. Not more than four years ago, we still remember how difficult it was for Manmohan Singh even to wear a smile in front of international leaders and then we have Modi.

There will always be a thin line between questioning the country’s elected leaders as faithful voters or opposition leaders and insulting them on an international stage.

Congress’s social media handles should keep in mind about our international relations and the fact that India too has a very few friends who have always stood by us.

There have been multiple events when congress leaders went beyond hugs, some resulting in marriages, some resulting in flag bearers of their future generations.

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