The Heroic Resistance of Rajputs to the Onslaught Islamic Invaders

Islamic Rajputs

There has been a flurry of articles from left leaning “Intellectuals” and nouveau historians, indulging at lengths into imaginative thinking and blatant lying, even falsely accusing Rajput king of the heinous crime of rape. A scroll article was spreading this lie when vigilant Twitter Users caught them lying and they had to remove that article. They are doing all this just to serve one divisive agenda; make Rajputs and in turn India’s pride look like a failure that Indians should steer away from, and in turn follow the manipulative ideologies of fake secularism and leftism that has been cancer to the society rotting it from within. Each one of these hate monger leftists, a Jaichand in their own right. These wannabe historians will try to convince you that these stories are false. According to their logic; locals of Chittor worship queen Padmavati, have her temple, her story of valour passed across generations, queen has family descendants, all this came into being just because a poet wrote a poem “Padmavat”. They will tell you local testimony and geographical proof count for nothing. Family traditions have no value. They will still deny your argument and push their lies.

It’s incredible, the lengths they can go to malign India’s pride. This is a recurrent theme of their propaganda. Padmavati defaming is just one in this series of lies and manipulation.

Here is the story of resistance that they don’t want you to know:

How did the Rajputs fare compared to the rest of the world?

After the death of Prophet Mohammad, the newly formed Caliphates started attacking neighboring civilizations indiscriminately. In 633, they attacked Persia, Mesopotamia, Egypt, entered and captured sizable amount of Europe including Spain, parts of France, USSR etc.

Within 20 years of invasion, the entire Persian empire had fallen (633-652), thoroughly rampaged and completely converted in the next few years. Zoroastrian religion was destroyed. Iran is 1/3rd the size of India.

Ancient civilizations of Mesopotamia (present Iraq), Egypt, and others got ruined and completely converted to Islam within 20 years of Islamic Invasion. Even Spain and parts of Europe had been captured and converted. Their combined geographical size was more than double that of India.

Europe and Spain were later won back by Christian crusaders.

So how is India still Hindu Majority?

When we say Rajputs lost miserably, shouldn’t we have a yardstick? Who are we comparing the performance with? Ancient Egypt, Persia, Spain, Iraq, Syria? They all fell during Islamic Invasion. Why is India still not completely converted?

Was it the large-heartedness of these Islamic invaders whose sole aim was to kill “idol worshippers”?. The kind of invaders who would not even spare women and children, why were they so nice to Hindus?

Only a docile fool would believe that they were actually nice to Hindus. India is still Hindu because of 2 majors reasons:

  1. Hindus loved their religion and were not ready to give it up even when faced with death
  2. There was a perpetual armed resistance from different corners of India against the attack on their culture and religion. And Rajputs played a significant role in this resistance. Sikhs Empire and Marathas led valiantly by Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj joined in 1600AD, after a 1000 years in the fight against the Islamist invaders.:

Till almost 400 years (600-1000 AD), Islamic invaders were defeated comprehensively and on multiple occasions, in Afghanistan and in Kashmir.

India’s outermost wall of resistance fell in 1000 AD Mahmud defeated Raja Jaipal, a scion of the Hindu Shahiya dynasty of Kabul. This dynasty had been for long been the doorkeeper of India in the Northwest.

A mistake that can be pointed out is that, Rajputs kings were defending and Arabic attackers were playing offensive. They would get defeated and would gather again, under same or different banner and attack again. Hence, defensive game would only cause loss of property. They should have been offensive instead. But this can only be seen in the hind sight.

200 years after this, with the fall of Prithviraj Chauhan another major wall of India had been breached.

Indian legends say Chauhan defeated and pardoned Ghori 16 times until Ghori won the 17th time. while historians argue on how many times Ghori was defeated and let go, it is clear that he was pardoned multiple times.

One can blame Rajputs for not being united and being naive as they didn’t expect Ghori to break rules of formal warfare and attack in the most “cowardly” fashion in the nighttime. Cheating has never been the Indian way of warfare, but Rajputs were naïve indeed to think these looters will play by the rules of the war.

Also, Rajputs didn’t employ spies like Islamic invaders. They didn’t use “Sufis” in guise of spiritual seekers, who would spy on Indian territory and then bring Islamic invaders along to attack.

For example, a Sufi Khwaja Moinuddin Chisti played an Important role in providing Ghori intelligence. Chisti came to India presenting himself as a realized Sufi, and settled in Ajmer to spy for Ghori, He was an advisory to Ghori, later he came with Ghori to attact Prithviraj. Chisti’s dargah is still thronged by many in Ajmer Sharif, blissfully ignorant of the fact that Chisti was the spy that worked as a Sufi saint.

From the Book ‘A History Of Sufism In India Vol. One’ by Saiyid Athar Abbas Rizvi

Yes, Rajputs were naive this way. And it did cost them heavily.

Why were the Rajputs and Indian resistance losing mostly?

Simply because of the numbers.

Attacks on neighboring civilizations by Arabs had got a fresh lease of life with adding religion in the equation, with the promise of heaven, war booty and sex slaves. The result, looters from across central Asia were joining to fight for the Islamic forces. Thus, there was never a shortage of foot soldiers.

With the fall of the protectors of India’s western and Northern frontiers came in a huge supply of people from across Asia, coming into India to loot in the name of Islam. These included the convertors and the fresh converts.

The numbers were so skewed in the favor of Muslims that often the Rajput Kings knew they were facing certain death. This disparity in number always remained. Army of small Rajput states that was in the range of 3000 – 5000 was no match for this number. Khilji had an army of around 4,75,000. Compare this with the 3000-4000 that Queen Padmavati’s husband King Rawal Ratan Singh had as Army. Anybody including Padmavati and Ratan Singh could guess what would be the outcome. Thus the women committed Jauhar.

Additionally, these invaders always had reinforcements. For example, Aibak got reinforcements from Ghazni. It was clear that any resistance to Islamic dominance meant certain defeat.

Maharana Pratap fought with an Army of Man Singh that was sent at the direction of Akbar. In the battle of Haldighati, Mann Singh had an army 5 times the size of Maharana Pratap’s and still Ranaji defeated Man Singh. When Man Singh called for fresh reinforcement and Akbar himself came with huge reinforcement of Army. Again, the numbers made it clear what the outcome would be. Maharana Pratap had to retreat.

Maharana Pratap started using Guerilla warfare and caused immense damage to Akbar.

Using Guerilla strategy, Maharana Pratap recovered many of his lost territories including Kumbhalgarh, Udaipur, Gogunda, Ranthambore and the areas around Chittor, although not Chittor itself. During this period, he also built a new capital, Chavand, near modern Dungarpur. His successful defiance of Mughals using guerrilla strategy also proved inspirational to laterday heroes like Chhatrapati Shivaji who used it brilliantly against Mughal forces or Veer Kunwar Singh of Bihar who used it against the British.

Thus, we see Rajputs were faced with extreme odds, yet they didn’t submit. It was the bravery and resolve of Rajputs that deserves a fair share of credit and respect. It was the sword of the Rajputs that saved India from turning into a an Iraq, Iran or Afghanistan.

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