On 27th May, 2017, a group of Congress workers led by a certain Rijil Makkutty, known for the multiple criminal cases against him, gathered in Kannur, Kerala. There they cruelly and mercilessly cut the neck of a cow. Not merely content with butchering the suffering cow, they killed her in the cruellest way possible- slowly drawing out her death, instead of having the mercy to quickly behead her. They ended by chopping off the head altogether before ending with insane, animalistic whoops of joy like some ancient tribe of barbarians celebrating some unclean sacrifice. Videos shared all over Social media demonstrates the horrific spectacle of a horde of men with maniac grins on their faces, gathered around a struggling, restrained innocent animal- eager for blood and flesh like a pack of savage dogs pulling at an injured doe.
Clearly, we see that mere education and intelligence has nothing to do with the higher virtues called Mercy and Kindness.
Increasingly we find that the act of being ‘modern’ appears to have less and less to do with respect for learning, love for one’s nation, and civic virtue- and everything to do with the butchery of innocent beings- especially cows.
Across the length and breadth of India, Government officials and inspectors turn a blind idea to the stealing of Cattle from poor villagers and their transport across multiple state lines to be butchered in Bangladesh. In the glittering cities of India, the educated classes gleefully tear into the flesh of cattle, as if their aping of Western customs would somehow turn their skin white or add extra zeroes to their bank accounts. In several States, people try to wipe out their very history with the blood of cattle. Not long ago in Kerala and Tamil Nadu, the Kings were called upon to defend Temples, Schools, Brahmins, and Cows. Now the Governments tax Temples into penury, force the closure of Hindu-run Schools, persecute and oppress Brahmins as per the words of their gods Periyar and Marx, and kill cows in front of children.
In the Classical Age, when India produced as much as 25% of the World GDP- as per the works of economist Angus Maddison, the Legalist Bharuchi wrote: – “Those who permit slaying of animals; those who bring animals for slaughter; those who slaughter; those who sell meat; those who purchase meat; those who prepare dish out of it; those who serve that meat and those who eat are all murderers.”
Once upon a time, the defence of the Vedas was considered just. Not their desecration and mockery and mistranslations- as is done today.
Once upon a time, to aid Brahmins and the Poor was believed honourable. Not corruption and petty greed- as is done today.
Once upon a time, the love for one’s Nation, Faith, and Ancestors was believed to be the highest good. Not Treachery, Propaganda, and Pseudo-Secularism- as is done today.
Once upon a time, the protection of Cows was the mark of Arya civilization. Not ripping and pawing at the bleeding flesh of a dying mother cow as we saw in Kannur but yesterday.
Protection of the Vedas, the Brahmins, the Schools, the Poor, and the Cows made Aryas the greatest civilization on Earth, unequalled in achievements and culture as the rest of the World ate raw meat and roamed naked in forests. And the modern sophisticates of India have the gall to say that these are the marks of barbarism?
To kill an innocent creature is modernity. To defend it is barbarism?
If one studies history and culture, it is evident that the Cow is, in a sense, the canary in a coalmine when it comes to Arya Dharma. Protection of the Cow- and Vegetarianism in general- is the touchstone of how civilized societies interacted, behaved, and survived.
The key idea among Classical civilizations was to delineate themselves from ‘barbarous’ societies. They accomplished this by various means- by creating great literature which the barbarians couldn’t equal, by constructing mighty temples and cities which the barbarian societies could not create, by actively shunning them by means of special terms- be it ‘Mleccha’ among Arya Indians, or the term ‘Barbaric’ among the Greeks & Romans, or ‘Nanban’ among the Japanese.
Another vital distinguishing factor among ‘civilized’ societies and ‘barbarian’ societies was the idea of Vegetarianism. It was recognized that the killing of sentient beings was but one step removed from the murder of other humans- and thus, the breakdown of society itself. The avoidance of meat was common, and associated with Civilization and Scholarship. The Chinese philosophers abjured ‘violent consumption’. Dharmic texts- be they Vedic, Buddhist, Zoroastrian, Jain, Sikh etc- call for the avoidance of killing innocent creatures. The Japanese Emperors banned the consumption of all meat- especially beef- for centuries and maintained the ban until forced to leave it under Western and Christian pressure. Similar bans on beef were seen in pre-Islamic Indonesia and Malaysia, in Cambodia and Thailand and Vietnam as well.
“Diodorus writes that Ethiopians and Libyans and even the Greeks living in Asia eschewed non-vegetarianism save for eggs and fish. Even in Classical Europe, philosophers and scholars such as the Platonists, the Pythagoreans, and even several Cynics called for abjuring all unnecessary deaths. One notable name was Roman mathematician and logician Porphyry. “
The reason for this is clear once one thinks upon the matter.
It is well known that the consumption of Red Meat leads to increased chances of disease and death. Even White meat- despite minor benefits in the short run- leads to problems in later years. Not only is Meat unhealthier, it is also wasteful and damaging to the Environment.
“It takes nearly 2100 litres to grow a single kilogram of rice. It takes almost 1800 litres to produce the same amount of wheat. Potatoes require a mere 300 litres but cheese requires a stunning 3,000 litres for a single kilogram. White protein, or chicken meat, demands an incredible 4,500 litres to produce a single kilogram. Pork, similarly, requires an incredible 6,000 litres to produce a similar amount. Mutton production comes around a similar figure. Sheep meat requires almost twice this amount – over 11,000 litres in order to produce an equivalent amount.
And beef? To produce one kilogram of beef, a staggering 17,000 litres of water is necessitated. Weight for weight, beef is likely the most wasteful and energy-inefficient form of animal protein ever produced.”
It is incredible that Liberals who claim to be environmentally conscious and scientifically minded, don’t recognize the utter lunacy that is the production of Red Meat for consumption.
Instead we find that all pre-modern civilized societies eschewed massacring animals- especially cattle- in favour of Vegetarianism and Dairy products- with Poultry and Fish featuring in menus once in a blue moon, The Scholars and Intellectuals forbade Meat completely.
So- why is Beef eating being encouraged and cheered on incessantly in modern times? What possible reason can be there?
The reason is simple- the idea of Vegetarianism is so indelibly linked with Pagan thought and Dharmic Civilization that the promotion of Beef eating goes hand-in-hand with destruction of Dharmic Society itself.
We have already seen how the Japanese and SE Asian practices of Vegetarianism and Beef Eating died as a result of entry of Western and Islamic practices. What Readers might not know is that the late Roman scholars- such as afore-mentioned Porphyry- were known less for Vegetarianism than for their opposition to the rising cult of Christianity; ultimately the decline of Roman scholarship and learning and faith in front of Christianity would usher in the Dark Ages of Europe.
Similarly in India, the protection of the Cow went hand-in-hand with the defence of Arya Dharma and Civilization. The tales of Rajputs defending women and cows from the invading hordes of rapist, malevolent butchers from the Delhi Sultanate are well-known. The Gajapati Emperors of Orissa who defended the state from Islamic incursions until the late 1500s prided themselves as defenders of Cows and Brahmins. The Ahom Kingdom, the Vijayanagara Empire, the Mithila State- every major Hindu power prided itself as a refuge for cows in a period of unrest. A major reason why the English and the Dutch succeeded in 17th Century India when the Portuguese and French didn’t- was because these Protestants states were willing to ban Cow slaughter while the more violent Catholics were swiftly wiped out by the Marathas and Travancore Kings. The Cow, according to the Shastras, is one of the Mothers of the Hindus. To defend the Cow is to defend the Vedas, the deeds of one’s Ancestors, and the Gita itself.
To defend the Cow is to defend the idea of an Arya Civilization itself.
Which is why disrespect and massacre of cows has been a vital cog in the Liberal wheel. To deny the Protection of the Cow is to deny the Power of the very scriptures that advocate for her protection- and also the idea of Dharma. To deny the protection of the Cow is to deny that there is a Bharatavarsha for Bharatas.
Which is why Beef-eating has gone hand-in-hand with attacks on Hindus.
- In the North-East, Liberals tell us that Hinduism never existed and Beef eating was common. This is a lie. Even in Burmese records, we find that tribes like the Chakmas and Kukis were staunch Hindus. Even in distant China, the kings of Yunnan called themselves ‘Maharajas’ and protected Cows in accordance with the Buddha’s teachings. But what has happened in Independent India? In the 1990s, over 80,000 Hindu Brus- out of a total State population 800,000- were driven out of Mizoram. Over 100,000 primarily Hindu Kukis were butchered and exiled by Nagas. Over the mindless cries of ‘Human Rights violations’ and ‘Beef-eating’, flies the grim sceptre of Hindu genocide and conversion; and the keystone of it was the denial of Hindu traditions such as the veneration of Cows.
- We are told that our Kings and Emperors were all short-sighted fools who fought for greed and personal gain and used Dharma only as a cover. Eminent historians ignore our great kings like Gajapati Kapilendradeva who ruled from Bihar to Andhra Pradesh in favour of two-bit murderers like the Sayyid dynasty. This is false; in his first ever speech, Shivaji Maharaj explicitly called for the protection of cows and the liberation of India for all Hindus- not merely Marathas. The Sabhasad Bakhar written by Krishnaji Anant clearly states: – “We are Hindus: this whole country is ours, and yet it is occupied by Muslims. They desecrate our temples, break our idols, plunder our wealth, convert our countrymen forcibly, kill cows openly. We shall suffer this treatment no more.”
- Writers and eminent historians like DN Jha- who are known primarily for their lies, as exposed brilliantly by writers such as Arun Shourie- peddle fake explanations and lies in the name of Scholarship. Beginning from the farcical Aryan Invasion Theory to the denial that the Ram Janambhoomi temple never existed- even as destroyed pillars were being dug out by the ASI, it is clear that these eminent historians are enemies of not only Hindus and Cows, but also History itself. Readers can refer to the link to Agniveer where Dr Sanjeev Newar demolishes the myth of a beef-eating Vedic society conclusively.
- In modern times, a poisonous ideology called Dravidianism- the vile lies of Missionaries and Foreigners- has gained prominence. It has no other goal than the destruction of Dharma- which is why the persecution of Brahmins, the slaughter of Cattle, and desecration of Temples are common in Tamil Nadu and Kerala. The 19th century Archaeologist Dr Buchanan once praised the Keralites that, apart from Muslims, they were all vegetarians who wished for the sanctity of all life. The Nair kings vowed to defend Cattle. Texts like the Aithihyamala clearly champion the protection of cows and Dharma. Even Syrian Christians who avoided Beef were forced into eating so by the Portuguese, as stated by Dr CI Isaac in his ‘Evolution of Christian Church in India’. The Dravidianistas wax eloquent on their so-called love for Tamil culture- but when reminded of the words of Sri Thiruvalluvar that “the mind of him who feasts with pleasure on the body of another (creature), has no regard for goodness,” they are nowhere to be found.
As we can see from the articles linked underneath, even as late as the 1970s, most of Kerala was vegetarian or ate fish alone. The mad barbarism we saw in Kannur yesterday is the outcome of decades of brain-washing and anti-Hindu propaganda peddled by Communists and Liberals which have transformed our citizens to barbarians and monsters. Once upon a time, Bharata was famed for its scholars, its scientists, its gentlefolk. Now we are famed to producing hordes of ‘educated’ monsters who would not think twice before attacking innocent creatures and chewing their living flesh raw. These ‘heroes’ of ‘modernity’ are scarcely Arya, but a form of low demon- of the sort the Vedas and the Epics rail against as the enemies of all Civilization.
The Cow is a symbol of the fecundity of the Earth, the prosperity of the Farmer, the good health of children, the Faith of our Ancestors, the valour of our Ancestors, and the idea of a Bharatavarsha. Hindus must defend her or we are undone.
“The Kine have come and brought good fortune: let them rest in the cow-pen and be happy near us.
Here let them stay prolific, many-coloured, and yield through many morns their milk…”
The Rig Veda (c.3500 BC)
- http://topyaps.com/the-history-of-bef-eating
- http://agniveer.com/no-bef-in-vedas/
- https://twitter.com/TajinderBagga/status/868476339975626753
- http://myneta.info/kerala2011/candidate.php?candidate_id=72
- http://www.indiadivine.org/the-samurai-protectors-of-the-cow/
- http://www.foxnews.com/lifestyle/2017/05/17/red-meat-eaters-may-have-higher-risk-dying-from-these-9-diseases.html
- https://www.nytimes.com/2017/05/15/well/eat/red-meat-increases-risk-of-dying-from-8-diseases.html
- The Rig Veda