The brazenly corrupt Manmohan Singh was asking to be punished, PM Modi merely complied

pm modi manmohan singh

Image Courtesy: Siasat Daily

In Mahabharata, apart from Shakuni the schemer, the other man who had it in his power to prevent the downfall of his own clan but did not do so was Dhritarashtra. He could have negated the idea of playing dice for he knew the evil schemes of his son and his son’s uncle. He could have prevented the denigration of the Pandava Queen in the court. He could have returned the kingdom to Yudhishthira even before Pandavas left for forests or even after they completed Agyata Vasa. He did nothing. This was made amply clear to him that he was causing the downfall of his own clan by many in the court and specifically two great wise men, Vidura and Krishna. Yet, Dhritarashtra, who was blind not only physically but also intellectually let Kurukshetra happen. Yet, nobody blames Dhritarashtra.

It is not quite wrong if one equates Manmohan Singh to Dhritarashtra. Why? Post war, after the death of Duryodhana, Dhritarashtra wants to hug Bheemasena, but was handed over a steel statue which he crushes thinking it was Bheem he was crushing. It was the idea of Krishna to replace Bheemsena with the steel statue, only to save him from the revengeful embrace of Dhritarashtra.

Much like Dhritarashtra, Manmohan Singh tried to avenge for the loss of power to his clan i.e., Congress. He called the demonetisation move by Modi government as ‘Organised Loot & Legalised Plunder’. Really, he has the audacity of Dhritarashtra for it was he who turned blind eye to all the scams committed during one decade of his golden rule.

The language used by Congress leaders while targeting opposition was way below the belt but in line with their character or the lack of it. Along with character, current Congress leaders lack even courage. If Congress expects they can accuse the Prime Minister in the parliament and cry foul if he returns with a witty remark, it only shows they don’t have persons who can study any subject in detail and comment.

All Modi said was one should learn the art of bathing in raincoat form Manmohan Singh. If Congress feels Modi said something that is not ‘factual’ they should present facts. Alas, the party that boasts of throwing the Brits out of India choose to ‘Walk Out’ with tail firmly between legs. If Congress thinks Manmohan Singh, despite being the Prime Minister was not accountable to all scams that happened during his tenure, why the hell they try to hold Narendra Modi accountable for any incident that happens in the country? If this is not called ‘Double Standards’, what it is?

Congress leaders one after the other claimed Modi had lowered the position of Prime Minister. Rahul Gandhi, notorious for his intellectual capacity stated that there never was a precedence when Prime Minister has remarked on a former one. He said commenting on Manmohan Singh amounts to commenting on India. Well, the clown prince shall realise in fact the reverse is true. Any negative comment on Narendra Modi, the current Prime Minister is a negative remark on India and Indians.

Mallikharjuna Kharge said even the dogs belonging to BJP leaders have not sacrificed anything for the nation and claimed how Congress leaders had sacrificed their lives. Keeping about his language sense and decorum apart, perhaps it is time Mr Kharge read history. Before one Mahatma was assassinated, millions of lives were lost due to partition, a decision he accepted. Even for the loss of lesser lives, Hitler is still seen as a monster. And Congress leaders compare Modi with Hitler! Maybe they don’t realise they are commenting on the democratically elected Prime Minister of India, not a selected one.

Like Mahatma Gandhi (Whom I still respect for the good he has done; what use of remembering only negative things about any person?) both Indira Gandhi and Rajiv Gandhi became victims and compensated for the lives that were lost because of their myopic visions and decisions taken for political mileage. It is time to call a spade, a spade.

Consider for a moment Mallikarjuna Kharge is current Prime Minister. How he would have reacted to Manmohan’s ‘Organised Loot & Legalised Plunder’ remark? Kharge would have said “Singh sahib, even dogs would bark when the house in their custody was being looted. You didn’t even do it”. Perhaps, Modi chose to make light of the situation and reminded Manmohan Singh what he really was.

Manmohan Singh once claimed history may be kinder to him. In fact, with the passage of time he was exposing himself. Had he been really the true architect of economic reforms, and if he could contribute so much as Finance Minister in five years, why he could not contribute when he was the all-powerful Prime Minister for two successive terms? Was he not competent enough to make India progress? Or were his tied by the Congress High-Command?

If Manmohan Singh was really concerned about keeping his image intact, post defeat he should have retired rather than choosing to live in the murky Congress. And as the old saying goes, ‘When in deep shit, keep your mouth shut’. He opened his mouth talking nonsense like any ordinary politician. If you behave like a politician, you would be treated like a politician and not like a statesman.

Had Manmohan Singh has any self-respect, he would have resigned to the post of Prime Minister, when Rahul Gandhi tore apart the legislative bill that was about to be passed so that convicted politicians are not disqualified from contesting elections. He chose to remain mum and followed ‘His Masters Voice’ much like the logo of HMV!

As far as Congress leaders are concerned, they know how to treat people. It is the same Congress party that selected Narayanasamy to be chief minister of Pondicherry, who was not a member of assembly. And he never won an assembly election earlier too. He was rewarded for his loyalty. Before asking others to respect Congress leaders, first Congress should learn how to respect their own leaders.

When Sonia Gandhi assumed charge of Congress, the way Sitaram Kesri was thrown out of his office after being removed from the party President, talks much about the way Congress would function in coming days. And, even today Congress treats their leaders the same way and collecting only ‘loyalists’. So it is not surprising there was not a single leader with calibre to defend Manmohan in the Parliament forcing the party to walk out. It is of no use crying ‘Modi knows how to talk’. Better learn to talk keeping decorum and learn how to give reply. People have in the meanwhile, grown to distinguish between hypocritical and analytical. Better keep this fact in mind.

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