A short but scathing open letter to all journalists across the globe


PC: thefreethoughtproject.com

When people vote for the Left, they are progressive, liberal, intellectual, and are described with countless other cosmetic adjectives. When the same people vote for the Right, they are radicals, racists, Sanghi, and are called words that make them look like representatives of hell.

If the people voting for Right were actually what journalists thought they were, there wouldn’t be an Obama or Sonia Gandhi for that matter, and in their given lifetimes, these termed ‘representatives of hell’ would have had installed a dictatorship. If a majority of the Hindu population was focused on religious radicalism, we would have seen a decline in the population of other religions after 1947, like it happened in Pakistan and Bangladesh, yes, the one decline no one likes to talk about.

Opinions are not slaves to the whims and fancies of the media, in Delhi or in Washington. The media wants to report facts, nothing but raw facts, we shall listen to them, respect them, but if they want to take sides, influence the masses, see them as nothing but a despicable chunk, then they are going to be given back. Hillary Clinton did not lose because she was a woman, but because she couldn’t reach out to the voters, just like Sonia Gandhi didn’t lose because she was a poor old widow (poor, who are we kidding), but couldn’t contain the corruption within her party and Lutyens’ locality, and hence, the media should stop the victimization of their masters.

Agreed, that Right-Wing politics has had its moments in history it’s not particularly proud of, but using it to bash every Republican who is willing to embrace Climate Change (Trump needs to do it, high time) or BJP Minister who wants to see Indians progress before Muslims or Hindus, or terming every voter of these candidates as backward and regressive is nothing but a shallow attempt to sabotage the will and decision of people who want to look beyond families holding powerful political positions.

Much like the politicians, the journalists are famous and with their million followers on social media because we listen to them, we believe in their reporting, like we believe in the ideals and vision of the PMs and Presidents we elect, and if the former doesn’t do their job, they are thrown out of every house, Lower, Upper, or White, and same goes for the journalists, at least from today.

The song about ‘Freedom of Speech’ that these liberals keep singing comes with a paragraph about ‘Fundamental Duties’ as well. If you can’t do your job right, don’t expect respect or compassionately worded replies from your followers. At the end, don’t expect the masses to tip the delivery boy for Pizza when they had placed an order for a Biryani.

The logic is simple, if journalists can’t respect the mandate of the masses, why on Earth are they expecting the masses to respect or even consider the opinion of a few journalists.

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