Exposing the duplicity of Media’s hallowed “Right to dissent”

Dissent Media

In recent years, Dissent has acquired a very political taste. The Right to Dissent has been transformed into a political tool for the Liberal ecosystem. If a Conservative or a Reactionary disagrees with liberals and even if his concerns are legitimate, it is labelled Bigotry and Hate Speech and Discrimination. When liberals disagree with Conservatives and publicly shame them into submission, it is their right to dissent. The ‘Right to Dissent’ has become a tool that the liberals use to hide their sins under the carpet. And until now, conservatives have largely allowed liberals to get away with their follies, it is fairly recently that they have learned to push back.

The government’s order to suspend NDTV for 24 hours has generated expected reactions from known quarters. The fact that NDTV was banned because of its irresponsible live coverage of a terrorist attack has been blissfully ignored in their efforts to paint the Hindu Nationalist government at the Center as Fascist. National Security and the lives of our army men are trivialities that are gleefully sacrificed at the altar of liberalism. As long as it’s no one from their family, why should they care if some lives are lost in their bid to preserve the power that they have earned by selling their soul to the Devil? It is intriguing too that the media did not utter so much as a whimper of protest when UPA had banned certain channels during their time.

2016 has secured for itself a special place in the annals of History. It is the year when the duplicity of the ‘Independent’ Media has finally been revealed and the people have finally realized that ‘Independent’ mainstream media is largely a myth. Independence of the Media only means that media outlets are at complete liberty to decide for themselves who they want to sell their integrity to. Public trust in media is at an all-time low, is it really a surprise then that the ecosystem is terrified at the future that awaits them?

To criticize only the Indian Liberal Media of corrupt practices would indeed be a folly. Wikileaks has revealed the extent of collusion between the media and the Democrat Party. Almost the entire media aligned itself against Trump and indulged in blatant malpractice to assist the Clinton campaign against its adversaries. One journalist even revealed questions to Hillary Clinton prior to the debates and quite a few of them had their stories approved by the Clinton Campaign before publishing. So much for the independence of the Media.

In context of the Right to Dissent, any act of resistance or disagreement or even malpractice that helps the ecosystem in preserving and extending its power and subvert its opposition is cloaked in the guise of Dissent so that they can assume the moral higher ground and thereby shame the opposition into accepting their transgression. The Right to Dissent has verily become the wand that magically transforms sin into a moral imperative. It is the most deplorable assault on integrity that anyone could possibly imagine.

People whose powers of observation haven’t failed them yet would notice that the Right to Dissent is only approved in a certain direction. As Mencius Moldbug famously said, “Cthulhu swims slow but only swims Left.” If you observe closely, you’ll notice there is no such thing as Dissent from conservatives, it is merely reserved for the liberal cause. For example, if you do not approve of LGBT rights and advocate your stance, it is not Dissent and your actions shall not be protected under the Right to Dissent as the person who was fired in USA for sharing an alleged anti-transgender meme on Facebook discovered.

If you are against illegal immigration and amnesty for illegal immigrants and advocate your stance by voting for a candidate who promises deportation, it won’t be called Dissent and your actions won’t be protected by the Right to Dissent as Trump voters in the USA have discovered for themselves. If you advocate for Hindu rights and demand that Hindus not be relegated to being Second Class citizens in your country and demand that the taxes paid by Hindu taxpayers not go into buying votes of the minorities with dole out and appeasement, you have a fair idea how things will pan out for yourself. The Right to Dissent is exclusively a political tool for the liberal ecosystem and it must be explicitly treated as such.

For far too long, the Right to Dissent has been used by the liberal ecosystem to get away with misdemeanor and extend their reach in the corridors of power. One should not forget that attempts were made to even whitewash chants of ‘Bharat ke tukde hongay’ and absolve the criminals of their sins by painting them as Dissenters. Even the orchestrated charade of the Intolerance Brigade pales in comparison with what transpired after the government crackdown on the thugs at JNU. The liberals are quite openly advocating breaking laws and excusing acts of criminality by protecting them under Right to Dissent. The question is, how long will we tolerate these explicit attempts at compromising our law and order and national integrity and security?

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