Worst investment that I did with my Rs. 10 Note


It was 2011, Anna Hazare’s “Indian Anti-Corruption” movement was at its pinnacle. There was a renewed sense of Independence among all the people of India and a new wave of nationalism was breezing across the nation. Like millions of Indian citizens I was also very enthusiastic and hopeful to see a “New India”. India which would be free from corruption, poverty, and loot.  I was in Bangalore at that time and followed every news piece and event development through news channels or social media.  Many of my friends in Delhi posted their photos visiting “Ram Lila Maidaan” wearing “Anna Cap” and holding “Tiranga” in hands. I wished if I was in Delhi, and could be the part of that indispensable reform.

Whether or not the Movement was successful is debatable, but yes it did ignite a spark of nationalism among all the citizens of India, especially those in their youths. People had questions, and they were seeking for the answers in this democracy from long time. Corruption is like termite, if you not terminate them in time, they will eat up the foundations.

Many new leaders were born out of that movement, who were supposed to take forward the legacy of Anna Hazare.  Arvind Kejriwal was the most promising person among all the revolutionaries.

An IIT graduate and later an IRS officer who sacrificed his career, repose, family to fight the evil of corruption in our society. Like millions of fellow Indians I was very much mesmerized by the charisma of this youth leader who showed heroism and determination to stand up against the fraudulent bureaucracy and corrupt system that Indian democracy had become. I became one of the biggest admirer and follower of Arvind Kejriwal, and it was not at all wrong. I mean many of us always wanted to do something for our country, we wanted to witness the reform but never had courage to take the step. Arvind had that courage and leadership qualities as well. He was the god send messiah who could inspire millions of Indians to come out of their comfort zones and march on the path of revolution.

I went to my home town Dehradun after some months to meet family and started to learn car driving as I desperately needed something to beat the boredom. I met my tutor at 7.00Am and he started instructing me about basics. In between my lessons, he asked me about my standpoint on Arvind Kejriwal.  Within few minutes only I manifested him my very optimistic views on Kejriwal and post listening them he was very much delighted.

He was a retired soldier of the Army and one of the biggest fans of Kejriwal one could ever meet or see. He showed me pictures of his wedding that happened 3 months back. He was seen wearing AAP’s cap, written “MAIN HOON AAM AADMI” on it. Post marriage, car in which he drove away with his wife had placards of Kejriwal and AAM ADMI PARTY, it was a big news and next day he showed me a cover story done by one of the local newspapers. Due to his immense dedication and loyalty towards AAP, he was appointed as chief organizer of AAP rallies in Dehradun.

Every day we used to meet for my lessons and had long conversations about Kejriwal and his fight against the corruption. One day he offered me to join AAP and work towards the common perspective we shared. I handed him Rs. 10 as a joining fee and was given a receipt .Now I was an official member of AAP and believe me it was a significant day for me. I always wanted to get associated with Kejriwal, he was my hero and now I had opportunity to assist the movement of reformation.

After 49 days of forming the government Kejriwal dissolved the assembly and resigned. It was a big blow to me and for many followers who had inordinate expectations from Kejriwal. I felt cheated, my belief about Kejriwal was shattered. I had always seen Kejriwal has a leader, a leader who had substantial leadership potentials and most importantly, the courage which many of us lagged or had not realized. Whenever a ship drowns, captain should be the last person to evacuate the ship.  Kejriwal was the captain, a leader who manifested the agenda of corruption free India, who promised to sacrifice his life for our motherland, and now I was seeing my courageous leader running away from his agenda.

His decision to fight against Modi in 2014 clearly showed his aggressive ambitions for the power and fame. His orientation on surgical attack by army and later demands of proofs, completely states that he can go to any extent to counter Prime Minister Modi. Today when I see Kejriwal and his self-obsessed and egocentric politics I really feel pity. I cannot say if he was always an egocentric person or it is due to the filthy politics which turned him into a power hungry politician.

I still have that Receipt of AAP and one day I want to meet him personally to demand my hard earned money back from him. It was not just a Rs. 10 note, but my belief towards him and devotion for the betterment of our country. I wanted to walk down that lane of reform and strengthen the revolution of Anti-Corruption but it just turned out to be a gimmick.

Mailed to us by- Abhishek Bahuguna

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