The Future of America looks dark

Trump America Hillary

To be fair to Trumpy, he was the man who spoke like a true American since civil war that happened more than one and half century ago. Well, the European migrants were more than savages and erased many a tribes of natives in both continents. Nothing to speak of the Africans, who were the ‘Niggar Slaves’ of white masters.

Of course, it was always the fittest that survived. However, the excess violence had given birth to remorse. The collective guilt of conscience had paved way to abolish slavery and a new ‘materialistic’ America born. This guilt is less in Australia considering the nature of original migrants or ‘forced migrants’.

Smarting from the history Americans have chartered a new course by practising ‘moderate discrimination’. Not too much to generate a revolution. Not much less to make others equal to the white man. Of course, it gave a humanistic image to America and thus much more moral superiority in dealing with those regimes that are not on their friends list.

The sudden disappearance of renowned rocket scientists of Nazi regime after WWII and sudden surge of United States in space research are too much to consider a coincidence. Though American soldiers are fighting one or the other regime across globe for more than five decades, America could remain a country that was committed to global peace, human rights and what not!

So, when a presidential candidate talks of being hard on those migrants from Mexico, it was a statement coming from a true blue American. Yes, George Bush made many statements with ‘Shock and Awe’, but they were mostly reactionary and were caused by the 9/11 attacks. Donald Trump, on the other hand was spelling out the policy of his presidential term.

Well, Donald may really construct the wall that may cost about $25 billions. That is, if gets successs in his ‘Kill Hill’ campaign and wins to occupy the white house. Though he declared Mexico would be paying for the wall, no one in his right senses would agree to that. Had Mexico has such huge amount of money, why the hell Mexicans cross border into America. Only way to make Mexicans pay for the wall is by annexing Mexico into the United States. Those worrying about the source of money need not worry, for all America would do was to print more currency and give it to the contractor. Considering their experience in building ‘Great’ walls, Chinese firms may grab all the contracts. And that would do well for trump, the businessman. From the day he doubted the presidential election may be rigged, he qualified to be a good student of the all powerful Sharad Pawar, who incidentally is a business partner of Donald.

As Trump would be reducing corporate taxes he would be forced to cut down costs and what better way than to call back all US forces from middle-east. Just to prove a point America had baked many of its soldiers in the desert and finally they may be happy to head home. To hell with the internal conflicts that may arise there in. Putin can earn some money by lending his muscle power to the ruling regimes that may crack down on the opponents. All the ‘risings’ orchestrated in the last few years would be ‘squared’ off.

How Trump would increase jobs for Americans given the fact that they are not up to the mark in qualifications to do white collar jobs at cheaper salaries like Indians do? America would turn into an outsourcing agency providing security to all oil refineries in middle-east. Well, it goes with the World’s police image also. Given the fact that they are the biggest oil guzzlers, it is easy for Americans to get the security contract.

By the time Trump completes his term, American would have become experts in doing all household chores. Well, no Mexicans to work for them. Chinese supply goods while Indians provide services to all old Americans living in their own country. Well, young Americans are manning the security posts in middle-east. Finally America will be like the one their forefathers thought how it should be.

If Aunt Hillary becomes first lady of United States (we can’t call her first man of US, yes?) again by trumping the Trump, her first job would be to ensure no female interns are recruited at white house. And the second one is transforming FBI into something similar to its Indian counterpart, CBI.

Next step would be to establish the ‘Order of Satan’, first in the United States of America and then expand it to cover entire humanity. Expect another wave of crusades and conversions – all in the praise of Satan. May be she would convert water like boring lives of ordinary humans into some thrilling, nerve tickling, hair raising cocktail of blood with semen and milk.

Talking seriously, she would be converting few millions of Mexicans into Americans. This way, she would ensure cheap labour available to work in the households of rich (or even middle-class) Americans. White collar labour would be outsourced to India and of course to produce all that America wants to use, well, what for Chinese are there anyway?

The question that may come to one’s mind is from where America would be footing the bill to the Mexicans, Indians and Chinese? There would be few more ‘uprisings’ in many squares across middle-east. She would go to cities of middle-east and cry for the children who were dying over there, while her drones create many widows and orphans. And the funds raised by her cry would be shared between Clinton foundation and organisations that may equip war victims with modern weapons so that they fight with their own governments and die.

By the time Hillary settles down, Europe would be facing a full blown crisis borne out of migrants. This would give Hillary a sort of moral edge over her NATO allies as she accepted Mexican migrants, while her European counterparts could not mix-up with the alien culture of migrants. Bill, along with his interns may travel to Europe and raise funds for creating reserves for the migrants on the guidelines of reserves in the US where Injuns were kept in captivity.

America’s moral power would be rising with the increasing number of deaths from Pakistan to Egypt. Russia may try to counter this by recognising China’s claim over South China Sea. Again Aunty will send a battalion of NGOs to the island nations of East Asia to raise more funds and expand US bases.

By the time she completes her term America would almost become like India. Well, it is already on course and Trump’s comments on rigged elections confirmed this phenomenon. So, by 2021, America would be witnessing a three way fight between Americans, Afro-Americans and Mexicans on streets. Of course, all Africans and Mexican would be ‘neutralised’ and with reduced population, the young America would start its journey to become dream land – once again. Well, how to become would be the problem of the guy who would be elected then. No?

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