The only Indian who hated Sushma Ji’s UNGA Speech

Sushma Swaraj UNGA Ramchandra Guha

Image Source: hindustantimes

Ever since Sushma Swaraj kept the bold stance of INDIA at the UN General Assembly Debate, the Indian fraternity, including the intellectual terrorists, have accepted her stance, even though grudgingly. However, one fake intellectual still doesn’t seem to have got over the ‘Congress’ hangover, and that is the historian (unfortunately) cum columnist, Ram Chandra Guha.

While Sushma Swaraj’s bold initiative to speak in pure HINDI won many hearts back here, this burden of a pseudo liberal said this :-

Yes, according to ‘His Highness’ Ramchandra Guha, Sushma Swaraj did the ‘strategic’ mistake of speaking in HINDI. As if the recipient of our speech is a PhD in English from Oxford!

Sometimes, I just don’t how is a pet historian (Yes, that Ramchandra Guha actually is), who has some pathetic history books to his credit, is endorsed as an intellectual. I’m sorry if I’m being mean, but unnecessary glorification of a ‘democratically’ autocratic dynasty and a political figure indirectly responsible for the biggest human tragedy ever, i.e. the Partition, aren’t exactly the medals that make you eligible for being an intellectual, unless you are a bootlicker of Lutyens’ Delhi  brand  pseudo secular politicians and journalists.

On top of that, he has the audacity to say that the External Affairs Minister made a strategic mistake of speaking in HINDI! Well, I’m not of the opinion that any minister in the government is above any law, but to criticize Sushma ji for doing the right job is as stupid as it can get!

If the Chinese, Russians and the Japanese can speak in the vernacular, why can’t us INDIANS do the same? Have you still not recovered from the colonial hangover, Mr. Ramchandra Guha?

Ramchandra Guha is the same pseudo liberal, who once howled on Narendra Modi when the latter was elected as the Prime Minister of INDIA, and he continuously keeps spewing venom against the institutions of nationalism.

As quoted by ‘His Highness’ himself, “Hatred of Pakistan is important to the hindutva view of the world, but that should not be important to an Indian nationalist.”

While there is no doubt about the fact that hatred  of Pakistan is a controversial issue, to demean it by confining the idea to the Hindutva school of nationalism. Does Mr. Guha even know what Hindutva means?

Our religion is Sanatan Dharm, and Hinduism is just the Western synonym for that. A true Indian nationalist doesn’t hate Pakistan without a reason.

Wouldn’t you hate your own neighbor, if he / she constantly pesters you day and night, and poses a threat to you and your family’s happiness and lives, just for their warped ideals?

Perhaps not for Ramchandra Guha, he would be one of those rare nit wits, who would preach the idiocy of pseudo secularism even when his near and dear ones are assaulted by the same terrorists who endorse the view of bigot religion supremacy!

Had he been of some importance in our Indian paradigm of intellectuals, I could’ve used ‘Respectful Disagreement’. However, being a certified intellectual terrorist, he deserves none. Of all people, he had the audacity to insult our national language, terming the use of HINDI as a ‘strategic mistake’! What should’ve we spoken at UNGA? Urdu? Or Arabic, for better convenience?

It’s time we debunk this theory of English being the supreme mode of communication for INDIA. For those, who think that using Hindi at UNGA is a strategic mistake, let me tell you, Atal Bihari Vajpayee had used it in 1977, and Narendra Modi is continuously using it since 2014!

Besides, English is a good way of establishing links with the outside world, but unless you’re a true blue son of the John Bull, or the grandson of UNCLE SAM, it doesn’t even suit on your persona. Besides, the last thing I heard that PAKISTAN is an expert on English, which is……….You are smart enough to comprehend that, mate.

Besides, we have already tolerated the likes of Ramchandra Guha for more than 70 years. I’m not an English hater, but to ridicule speaking HINDI on an international platform is not my cup of tea either.

Being an Indian, it is natural that you speak in your identical language. Using flimsy English words to ridicule the same might be awesome in a liberally sick nation, but not INDIA! I hope Mr. Guha has the brains to hear that.


Ramachandra Guha’s Twitter handle


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