From Vadnagar to New Delhi: Struggles that molded Narendra Modi

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17th September 1950: Almost eight months into India’s becoming a republic, a child was born to proud parents, Damodar Das & Hiraben, in Vadnagar, situated in the municipality of Mehsana, Gujarat. Little did they know that the blessing of God would soon be a blessing for the whole of India, and would join the ranks of the small, but hallowed group of Prime Ministers, who were a blessing for this vibrant nation.  What was a blessing for the couple in Vadnagar, soon became the game changer of the Indian governance. He doesn’t need an introduction, for he is our Honb. (In true terms) Prime Minister of INDIA, Shri Narendra Damodar Das Modi.

Loved by the masses, and hated by a section of the elite and the disgruntled, this guy is to politics, what Sachin Tendulkar is to cricket: cool, calm and composed. His life has been a myriad mix of emotions, achievements and challenges, something not every normal person would be able to cope up with. However, despite the turbulent life, the skilled PM that Narendra Modi is, can be attributed to his early struggles, when he had to sell tea at the Vadnagar railway station for supplementary income. On his 66th birthday, what can we the INDIANS learn from his life? His life has lessons enough, and although the list goes to infinity, here are some thoughtful incidents that have a deep meaning and a lesson of wisdom for all of us:-

  1. Narendra Modi’s humble beginnings:-

Save a few Prime Ministers, like Lal Bahadur Shastri, P.V. Narasimha Rao, Atal Bihari Vajpayee to name a few, almost all of the Prime Ministers were born with a silver spoon, i.e. stinking rich. In complete contrast, Narendra Modi had humble beginnings. His family belonged to the Modh Teli community that was an Other Backward Caste as per the definition of the Indian Government. He joined his father and brothers in selling tea at the Vadnagar Railway Station, and yet, completed his Senior Secondary Education from Vadnagar in 1967. Besides, unlike the over skilled politicians of the secular parties, our Modi ji was trained in the right skills, at the right time. Besides joining Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh,  Narendra Modi was a proud and obedient cadet from the National Cadet Corps as well. In fact, it was this very image of Narendra Modi that a Congress stooge, Mani Shankar Aiyar, tried to ridicule, but propelled the ascent of BJP to the Central Government instead.


A person, who is never shy of his humble past, succeeds better than the so called privileged ones.

  1. His movement against the emergency:-

When only 25, Narendra Modi was vociferous, as was RSS protocol, against the dictatorial rule of the Prime Minister, Indira Gandhi. His ideology was simple : inform the people of the malice of EMERGENCY imposed at the grassroots. However, the guillotine of imprisonment loomed large on people like him, so Narendra Modi disguised himself as a Sikh, and stayed incognito, successfully avoiding arrest by the stooges of the Indian Government at that time. Even today, when someone talks of the dark days of  EMERGENCY, they proudly describe the revolutionaries who showed the absolute middle finger to the dictators, and one of them was our very own Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi. His principle of ‘Saaru Sarv Jaane’ (Everyone should know what is good) not only enabled him to become a multi tasker, but also rise in the hierarchy of right wing political spectrum, propelled by RSS.


If your ideology is in the right direction, and you’ve done nothing wrong save protecting the right values, no force in the world can touch you, no matter how powerful or autocratic they are!

  1. His relentless struggle for Gujarat, and against the intellectual terrorists:-

The struggles of Narendra  Modi as a diligent BJP worker, brought fruits for him, when he was elected the Chief Minister of Gujarat in 2001, succeeding Keshubhai Patel as one. However,  in 2002, he was thrown into the sea of challenges, when incensed by the horrendous murder of around 56 kar sevaks in the Sabarmati Express near Godhra, the entire Gujarat went on a rampage, pillaging and hacking down people from different communities, whether Hindu or Muslim. Apparently, what was perceived, as propagandized by the scion of pseudo liberals and intellectual terrorists, was that Narendra Modi systematically delayed the help of so called minority communities, causing considerable harm to them.

But what happened, was something else. Irritated by the monotonous rant against him at one INDIA TODAY conclave, back in 2005, Narendra Modi exposed the hypocrisy of such morons, revealing that he did ask for help as soon as he got the news of the riots. He had faxed to the adjoining states, i.e. Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh & Maharashtra, all ruled by Congress. However, to his shock, none of them helped, having probably seen it as an attempt to divide and communalize the masses of Gujarat. This fight against the intellectual terrorism and pseudo secularism had carried on for 12 years.

Today the opposition  claims that the government of today is authoritarian and fascist. If that was so, why was one man subjected to constant abuses, slurs, and denied a chance to visit USA for more than 9 years, even though he was not convicted of the riots? Compared to the previous PM, who did absolutely nothing  solid for the last 4 years of his tenure, Narendra Modi never takes a work leave, sleeps for only 3-4 hours, travels at night to save day time, and yet, some idiots say, ‘Kahan hai Acche Din?’ (Where are the good days?)


The world is not fair, it is up to you, whether you bow to the world, or make your own cult, like Narendra Modi did.

  1. His campaign for the Prime Minister of INDIA:-

Terrorism was on a roll, women were absolutely unsafe in the country, scams were the latest exports of the government, evil was laughing her heart out, and it looked as if nothing could move INDIA out of her woes. Until Narendra Modi ascended as the BJP PM candidate. Despite the revolution he had brought in Gujarat in the past 12 years, all the opposition could do, was detract, saying ‘Narendra Modi is the trader of death’, ‘Fascism will come to INDIA’ as the list went on. However, what Narendra Modi promised was only one thing, and one thing alone : Inclusive Development or as they say, SABKA SAATH, SABKA VIKAAS. Mani Shankar Aiyar’s insulting comment on his humble past only carried his image forward, because in the end, as Narendra Modi himself quoted, ‘They ruled INDIA like a fiefdom for the past 67 years, and a Chai Wala? A Chai Wala has the ‘audacity’ to challenge their rule?’ Yes, because these people forgot that this is INDIA, the most stubborn democracy of the world, not some autocratic fiefdom of the Gandhi Nehru family.


If you have the audacity, and if you can destroy your existence to create the better you, the sky is the limit.

  1. His restoration of the idea of INDIA:-

Ever since he took the Prime Ministership  of INDIA on 26th May 2014, what Narendra Modi has achieved, is something that very few Prime Ministers tried to achieve, restoring the idea of INDIA, that was being systematically and slowly destroyed by the so called secular governments in the past, under the leadership of unfortunately the first Prime Minister of INDIA, Jawahar Lal Nehru .

Why do you think the opposition is so much ganged up with irrelevant issues like INTOLERANCE, oppression of Kashmiri denizens, Feku, Suit Boot Ki Sarkaar etc.? Because for the first time, the Congress is at a loss, as they can’t find anything that can nail PM Modi right in his backyard. For the first time, people, whether abroad or back home, have started taking pride in being an INDIAN.  For the first time, basic amenities like electricity, sanitation etc. are being delivered to every home and hearth possible.

For the first time, the government ministers have actually started listening to people’s grievances, and acting rapidly on the same. For the first time, the government doesn’t think twice before giving to the terrorists back in their own coin. For the first time, the government is not eulogizing the ‘minority’, giving them undue privileges, at the cost of the nation’s interests. For the first time, people boil in rage when someone even talks of destroying INDIA. If this is not restoring the idea of INDIA, then what is it?


Any ruler becomes the darling of the masses, only when he / she starts ruling the hearts, not the minds.

Summing it up, Narendra MODI, for one reason, is the man who deserves to be the Prime Minister of INDIA in every sense of respect. Only three years ago, disillusioned with all, I used to hate him like hell. But one interview of his in the nationalist news daily, ‘Dainik Jagran’, compelled me to think about his vision. 3 years later, there’s nothing that can sway me from thinking  that if this man is the Prime Minister of INDIA, INDIA will never fall, but only rise. Sure, the social challenges are tough to deal with, but that doesn’t mean INDIA has no right to progress. What this man inspires us to do is what Swami Vivekananda once said, ‘All the power is within you, You can do anything and everything.’



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