Shouldn’t the ‘Sane’ ones breed more?

Europe Eurabia India Muslim

Our generation often harbors the belief that it’s better than the ones before it because it is less religious and more tolerant than the ones before it. It is obviously a fact that our generation is indeed less religious than it’s predecessors, whether it is for the better or worse is entirely open to interpretation and as for us being the more tolerant of the lot, it is a delusional belief designed to feed our sense of moral superiority and little to do with existing realities.

Anyone with the barest minimum contact with reality knows it very well and it can hardly be contested that our generation has decisively turned against the concept of god and gods and regards every religious concept with great suspicion and general derision, especially in urban areas. Our generation genuinely believes it’s for the better and congratulates itself at every juncture for it, whether it’s for the better or worse is highly debatable.

Although it is true that religion in the conventional use of the term is on the decline among the educated and the liberal elite, it can be argued that such disdain for anything and everything religious has come at a cost. And although devotion towards deities is on the decline, celebrity worship among the urban youth is at an all time high. Instead of worshiping gods and goddesses and following their examples, the youth of this nation has taken to worshiping people who oft times do not serve as very good role models.

With an inherent tendency to view every religious teaching with the lens of suspicion and a deep sown inclination to reject religious principles, it often leads to the rejection of principles which nurture and sustain societies and civilizations. It is for a reason that no irreligious civilization has ever existed in the history of humanity. And one reasonable conclusion might be that without religion, societies fail to ensure the longevity of traditions that safeguards the sustenance of a civilization.

One of the primary aspects of sustenance of a civilization is the Fertility Rate of its population. Whether Atheism and Secularism is directly responsible for declining fertility rate all over the developed world is debatable but there is little doubt about the fact that atheists and secularists tend to have fewer children than religious couples. Also, there is a direct correlation between secular western countries with the inclination towards becoming a Welfare State. The combined effect of a Secularized Society and a Welfare System has an almost crippling effect on the birthrate of the country.

A casual glimpse through the birthrates of highly secularized welfare states of Europe is a confirmation of the reality of how excessive secularism and the Welfare System has a devastating effect on the birthrate of its population. In 2014, the Total Fertility Rate (TFR) was 1.58 live births per woman, which is well below the replacement level fertility rate for developed countries which is 2.1. Among the EU member states, France had the highest fertility rate with 2.01 live births per woman. However, it should not come as a surprise since France’s immigrant population (which are religious) reproduces at a level far higher than the native French population which results in a higher birthrate. What is actually happening in France is replacement of the native French population by people who are immigrants from foreign countries. The lowest fertility rates were recorded in Portugal (1.23), Greece (1.30), Cyprus (1.31), Spain and Poland (1.32). Italy showed a birthrate of 1.42, Austria 1.43, 1.73, Germany 1.4 and so the trend continues. Canada, a non European country Welfare State has a TFR of 1.59 compared to its neighbour, the USA which has had its lowest Fertility Rate in years at 1.9.

As Mark Steyn puts it, “The biggest problem with the Secular Welfare State is it’s economy is based on Religious Birth Rates.” Numerous researches have been conducted which confirm that indeed, the future belongs to the religious. Philip Longman, a fellow at the New American Foundation, argues, “Does this mean that the future belongs to those who believe they are (or who are in fact) commanded by a higher power to procreate? Based on current trends, the answer appears to be yes.” And under present circumstances, the Muslim population is out-breeding the natives in Europe. Thus, if the future indeed belongs to the religious, Europe will belong to Islam.

The current scenario for Secularism is particularly perilous. Consider the present scenario- In the fastest growing religion of the world, Islam, is a faster than ever rise of religious fundamentalism.

With the current demographic trends, Eurabia will be a reality much earlier than we realize and with radicalization unabated, India will be home to the largest Muslim population in the world and possibly the greatest percentage of radicalized youth.

For secular democracies to sustain themselves, their secularist population must reproduce at least at replacement levels in a highly multicultural society to maintain their Secular credentials and remain truly secular in their functioning. In 2009, the book A sceptics guide to atheism indicated: “A worldwide poll taken in 1991 put the global figure for atheists at just 4.4% of the population. By 2006 it was estimated that only 2% of the world population were atheists. Since radicalization is a two-way process, exposure of the native population to an intolerant culture will lead to radicalization of its youth as well. In Europe, Far-Right radicalization of ethnic Europeans is a reality. In the United States, as a result of unhindered illegal immigration, the disparity between the ideologies of Republicans and Democrats is at an all time high.

Angela Merkel’s decision to import thousands and thousands of migrants into the heartlands of Europe appears bewildering on the face of it but when one scratches the surface, one realizes that the European Union is desperately in the need for new taxpayers as a result of its welfare state and its secular birthrates. Of course, Merkel’s solution did not work quite as planned, there was absolutely no chance of success to begin with but when you are pushed to the edge, you begin clutching at straws. The ideal solution would have been implementing policies that encourage young men and women to form traditional families and have children to secure the future of their civilization and liberty and steadily cut down on the welfare state that dulls the inherent survival instinct in every individual but in a society drunk on individualism and liberalism, even such thoughts are heresy. Modern day Leftist liberalism, of course, is the delusion that we are free to do anything we want and it won’t in any way affect the longevity of our civilization.

Europe is learning the hard way that reality does not conform with our delusions.

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