Meet Mother Merkel – The latest casualty of her love for migrants

merkel migrants

Once upon a time, there was only one label for anyone who dared criticize the left’s brainchild, the Open Borders Policy of Europe, ‘Racist.’

But a lot has changed since then and even lifelong leftists have been forced to admit the policy is an economic, political and social disaster that has decimated the social fabric of Europe.

And after her party’s disastrous showing at the recent elections, Angela Merkel has been forced to concede that many mistakes had been committed in her delusions of the grandeur of globalism.

However, contrary to conventional wisdom and as testament to the delusions of the left, Angela Merkel stood firmly by her Open Borders Policy while admitting that Germany was not prepared for the mass influx of migrants and was not quick enough to react to the crisis.

In her own words, “If I was able to, I would turn back time by many, many years, so that I could have prepared the whole government and the authorities for the situation which hit us out of the blue in the late summer of 2015.”

One wonders what more would it take for Angela Merkel to admit that her Open Borders Policy is an unmitigated disaster for Europe but quite evidently, Europe has not suffered enough for Mother Merkel to come to the realization.

With mass sexual assaults on women by migrants on the rise and violence against native Europeans by those screaming Allah hu Akbar an almost daily affair, it’s not really surprising that anti-migrant sentiments are flourishing all across the West.

Reports indicate that Europe might be on the verge of a Civil War and yet, their politicians still continue to sacrifice their people to the false song of Globalism.

The anti-migrant sentiments are reflected starkly in the latest election results with the anti-migrant Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) registering an impressive result.

Anyone with the IQ of a two year old baboon would know that forcing people with radically different values and upbringing to live in close proximity is a very bad idea but leftists, who have long since abandoned common sense, would rather blame ‘racists’ when their grand plans of a multicultural world start yielding results.

As a result of Mother Merkel’s Open Borders Policy, Europe is now less safe for women, the threat of terrorism always looms large on the horizon and the great European way of life is a distant dream in large parts of Europe.

It is insane to expect people from a radically different culture to adhere to social norms that Europeans created for themselves and when the other side pledges allegiance to an ideology that would be satisfied by nothing short of complete and absolute domination, needless to say, the natives are in for a tough time to say the least.

One important thing to remember here is that the overwhelming majority of the hordes of migrants marching on to Europe are not refugees; they are not fleeing war zones.

It is estimated that only one out of five asylum seekers are from Syria and the Vice President of the European Union went on to admit not too many months back that around 60% of the asylum seekers are in fact economic migrants.

The whole narrative that the world has been sold regarding the refugee crisis is simply not true and is purely a concoction of the establishment and the media to generate support for their doomed policy.

Another lie that has been perpetuated by the establishment is the claim that the majority of the asylum seekers are women and children.

One closer look at the migrants, reveals that it is simply not true and the overwhelming majority of asylum seekers are young males who are waging a cultural war against European values.

The demographic time bomb that has been accelerated massively by the Open Borders Policy has started taking strong effect and we would witness the death of European values in the West across large swathes of the West not too far away from now.

The first and foremost duty of the government of a nation is to ensure the security and prosperity of its own people.

If, in any way, a policy compromises on the security of the people, then it’s a bad policy regardless of its intention. As a result of the Open Borders Policy, women in Europe are being sexually assaulted at an unprecedented rate, the threat of terrorism is overarching and Europe finds itself on the verge of a Civil War.

Mother Merkel still has time to fix her legacy and it’s time she admits the massive fallacy of her Open Borders Policy and decides to be a Mother to the German people and not those who seek to destroy the ethos of Europe.

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