Don’t make our men kill their wives: Muslim Personal Law Board to Supreme Court

AIMPLB Talaq Polygamy SC Muslim Personal Law

The AIMPLB (All India Muslim Personal Law Board) very recently challenged the SC and even went ahead with consequences if they do not stay away from the issue of triple talaq and polygamy, while the courts have been still asking the board themselves to monitor its decision to examine and reexamine the gender bias in Muslim Law to ensure that a woman’s right to equality was not violated.

Classic example of duplicity in approaching or advising or dictating orders just based on religion.

Well today the topic is different and we will bifurcate this conversation between the lands highest judiciary, the SC and the AIMPLB, self-professed protectors of all the Muslims in the country very specifically. The conversation off course tells you what is that the Muslim board wants, but also gives you a peek view about the mentality of these “samaj ke thekedars” towards the women, especially the Muslim women.

Following are the extract and justification that the AIMPLB’s written affidavit says to the court.

Husband might kill or burn wife alive – AIMPLB to SC

If there develops serious discord between the couple, and the husband does not at all want to live with her, legal compulsions of time-consuming separation proceedings and expenses may deter him from taking the legal course. In such instances, he may resort to illegal, criminal ways of murdering or burning her alive”, So basically its says its ok for men to be violent, wife beater or even a wife-killer but according to them the issue of legal delay and financial constraint is more pressing and needs to be addressed immediately.

It says “that divorce proceedings instead of triple talaq could damage a woman’s chances of re-marriage if the husband indicts her of loose character in court“. Such is the parochial mindset that even the Taliban’s will shy away with this logic.

Husband’s right to divorce is security for the wife – AIMPLB to SC

Granting a husband the right to divorce indirectly provides security to the wife. Marriage is a contract in which both parties are not physically equal. Male is stronger and female weaker sex. Man is not dependent on woman for his protection. On the contrary, she needs him for her defense” yes do not be surprised ….. this all has been mentioned in the written statement to the courts.

Unlawful mistress is worse than a lawful second wife – AIMPLB to SC

Justifying polygamy the Muslim board says “blessing for women because an unlawful mistress is more harmful for social fabric than a lawful second wife and the death rate of men was higher since it was mostly men who died in accidents, and therefore women outnumbered men, not permitting polygamy would force women into leading a spinster’s life“, that’s the logic for polygamy or to be more precise the reason for having more than one wife.

Polygamy ensures sexual purity – AIMPLB to SC

They continue further saying “Polygamy ensures sexual purity and chastity and whenever polygamy has been banned, it emerges from history that illicit sex has raised its head. If polygamy is not allowed, a man would divorce an ailing wife, or he might have an extra-marital relationship“. “Polygamy is a blessing, not a curse for women… polygamy is the solution to the problem of divorced women and widows. Women should appreciate this point that if the ratio of women is higher, would they prefer wedlock for fellow women, or let them be illicit mistresses of men, without any of the rights which a wife gets” said the AIMPLB.

All these quotes, logic and justification mentions the source as “Quran”. Though I have not read the Quran, but one thing is sure none of the gods will ever justify inequality as a creator and off course will not give the above logics to prove the point.

Such have been the discourse of conversation and the media is stupendously silent on the subject, there is no steam, no vigor, no debate. Just reporting the matter and move on to the next subject. Some time it really astonishes me to see how people preaching moral high ground and lecturing the world about equality, racism, castism very conveniently look the other way if it does not suits their agenda. Everyone is aware “Uniform Civil Code” could in greater probability be the answer to all these problems, but just for convenience brush it below the carpet. No Barkha Dutt’s, no Sagarika’s, and no Shobha De’s themselves being a female will ever take this subject to a conclusive end.

After reading the article you may laugh, you may make a fun out of it, you may curse them, but the need of the hour will be your support to the Muslim sisters especially the ones who have been suffering from this injustice for decades and even in this era of 21st century of modernization of information and democracy.

This is after the fact that the females were the sole face savers for our country in the Olympics.

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