Bhak Sala Vs Swati Chaturvedi: Are you afraid of us average Kumars, Dear Journos?

Kumars Chaturvedi

Respected Swati Chaturvedi Ma’am,

First of all accept my adulation and respect for being a strong liberal voice on the internet. I have always been a big fan of both liberalism and liberals. Simply because liberalism stands for freedom of expression. Your Twitter profile that goes by the handle @bainjal has indeed taken liberalism to new heights. I could have replied to your twitter profile but you’ve blocked me.

Did I forget to mention the *Conditions Apply disclaimer while attributing ‘Freedom of Expression’ to Indian Liberals? I got to know that there is a Women Journo WhatsApp group which discusses methods to curb trolling, online trolling that is, online trolling against women that is. I request you to kindly take this letter as a non-troll take on the fiasco that happened yesterday on Twitter, when you tried to hit back at @Bhak_Sala by tagging his employer in your ‘logical’ rejoinders.

Respected Chaturvedi Ma’am, I happen to be an average Joe, call me an Average Kumar to suit the Indian narrative. An Average Kumar isn’t bestowed with big family surnames. An average Kumar lives a mundane life. He generally picks up a course which can ensure him a ‘decent’ job. An Average Kumar travels in metros and buses. In 4th or 5th year of his job, an Average Kumar graduates to a car (on a 60 month loan). An average Kumar gets married at the age of 27-30 and starts a family in a couple of years. An Average Kumar then starts taking care of other Average Kumars (or Kumaris). Apart from the regular family duties, an Average Kumar is also a concerned citizen. An Average Kumar Votes, celebrates his country’s successes and drowns the sorrow with whiskey pegs (Blenders’ Pride in most cases). An average Kumar watches news and takes everything that comes out of the mouth of revered journos as gospel truth.

But with the advent of the internet, the average Kumar started getting empowered; He now has first-hand access to internet. And if not the actual information, he at least has access to different versions and narratives of the news. With increased smartphone penetration, an average Kumar also has the ‘facility’ of starting a platform to connect with and in many case inform other average Kumars. This Mrs. Chaturvedi, hasn’t gone down too well with the likes of you. Respected Chaturvedi Ma’am, you know what scares a neta? An informed Voter and guess what scares a Journalist? An informed viewer. A viewer who has the knowledge to call your bluff and when that informed viewer has a platform influential enough to change opinions, this gets even scarier.

Respected Chaturvedi Ma’am, admit it you are afraid of Average Kumars like Bhak Sala?

Now coming to your earth-shattering technique of ‘exposing’ the workplace details of adversaries in order to unsettle them. Looks like Journalists have no real ‘exposes’ to do these days hence they are content with exposing the name of employers of those, who dare to take on them. Anyways, Ma’am your method was not just illogical but unethical and juvenile at the same time. Respected Chaturvedi Ma’am, I remember kids from my childhood days who threatened to complain to my mom whenever I acted smart with them. I thank you for rekindling those sweet memories.

I believe your entire tirade was to tame the trolls. While trying to tame the trolls, you Chaturvedi Ma’am became one. Sounds familiar? That’s 2 Face a.k.a Harvey Dent from Batman series. Yes Right Wingers watch Hollywood flicks too.

I see you called Bhak Sala, somebody with an average job. So you do admit that he at least has a job and still finds time to call the bluff of journos with élan, and in a decent manner. I believe you saw the collective might of average Kumars yesterday. We average job waale Social Media Guys stick together, especially in times of crisis. We did yesterday, and we will. Always.


The Frustrated Indian

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