Is Gujarat really the model state that Modi boasts about?

gujarat model

During the Lok Sabha Elections of 2014 a lot of talks were about Gujarat being the model state. Our P.M presented Gujarat as the model state and that became one of the major highlights of Modi’s never-seen-before electoral campaign. But is Gujarat really the model state that Modi boasts about? Or is there some other model state? Let’s try and find out. We here take 5 Indian states (Gujarat, Maharashtra, Tamilnadu, Karnataka & Kerala) and measure them on 5 different parameters-


Kerala is the worst state in our country with regards to employment with an unemployment rate of 73% and 76% in Urban and villages. Gujarat is the best in India with ONLY 18% and 7% unemployment rate. Karnataka comes next among these five states with 27 and 5% followed by Maharashtra with 32 and 6%. Tamil Nadu has an unemployment rate of 32 and 15% in Urban and villages.

Hence, as far as Employment is concerned Gujarat beats the competitors hands down living to its Model state image whereas Kerala is the worst state in this category.

(Source is as per 2009-10).


In a state wise survey in Indian bureaucracy, which is listed under global corruption, watchdog Transparency, Kerala was marked as the least corrupted state in the country. The survey was conducted across 20 states. Gujarat secured 3rd rank, Maharashtra 5th, Tamil Nadu is at 12th position while Karnataka is at an unenviable 17th position.

Kerala takes the Gold here where as Gujarat and Maharashtra takes Silver & Bronze, respectively.


Maharashtra has the highest GDP among all Indian states with Rs.16.8 Lakhs Crores.

Tamil Nadu’s comes next with a Overall rank of 3rd with GDP of 9.76 Lakh Crores.

Gujarat comes next with an overall rank of 4 with Rs.9.15 Lakh Crores.

Karnataka’s and Kerala’s ranks are 6th and 11th, respectively.

Ease of Doing Business:

In a survey Conducted by World Bank, Gujarat secured 1st position in terms of ease of doing business with a score of 71.14%. Maharashtra secured 8th rank with a score of 49.43%. Karnataka is next at 9th position. Tamil Nadu and Kerala didn’t find place in top 15.


This is one category where none of the 5 states are doing well. Kerala is the worst with a cognizable crime-rate (CCR) of 455.8(per 1 lakhs)- the highest in the country .

Tamil Nadu comes next with CCR of 294.8(Overall rank 3).

Karnataka (rank 8) comes next with a CCR of 222.5. It is followed by Gujarat (10th rank) which has a CCR of 216.6. Maharashtra wins the Gold here with a CCR of 176.7 and an overall rank 16th.

(Source: NCRB)

Hence, if we look overall there is a tough fight between Gujarat and Maharashtra. But Gujarat is doing well in all the above categories and it is no doubt the Model state followed closely by Maharashtra, followed by Karnataka and Tamil Nadu. Kerala, however is not even in the race.

Authored by- Ashish Gulgulia

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