Affidavit Episode: Italian Led Congress goes Mussolini Way

Congress Affidavit

With the affidavit episode, the Indian National Congress has broken all its records of political nepotism. The party’s West Bengal MLAs swore vide an affidavit, unqualified allegiance to the INC led by their “Hon’ble” President Smt. Sonia Gandhi and their “Hon’ble” Vice President Rahul Gandhi. This marks the official declaration of the fascist ideology of the Indian National Congress where an average representative of the citizens of our country is made to strictly conform to a Mussolini (the popular ‘Italian’ dictator) like figure.

Even though Congress clarified in a Press Conference later in the day that the affidavit was a mere restriction of ‘freedom of expression’ and the concerned MLAs were allowed to retain the ‘right to disagree’.

Thus, the grand old party showed a big heart and extended the precious right of even thinking against the Mussolinis. This article is an open letter to the Gandhis (the Mussolinis of the Congress Party), their extended family and an average Congress representative.

The Mussolinis of the Congress:

‘Hon’ble’ Rahul Gandhi ji, I still remember that you were one of the most vocal leaders when some ‘JNU kids’ had shown the audacity of speaking against our Nation and even propagate the division of our country. You had then emphatically declared that the freedom of speech and expression extends to speaking against our Nation clearly showcasing your lack of knowledge about the Constitutional and Political philosophy of India. It is painful to know today that even though you promoted the idea of speaking in the voice of breaking this Nation and calling the Hon’ble Supreme Court Judges, the murderers of certain convicted terrorists, you cannot tolerate rational criticism within your own party. But let me make it very clear coercive methods such as affidavit for loyalty, will not get ensure any electoral or political success in your failed career which has been given unnecessary hype by your comrades and sold Media.

‘Hon’ble’ Sonia Gandhi ji, you are a much bigger threat to this Nation for you are not as inefficient as your son. Everyone knows about the damage you can do to this country from the very fact that you controlled, in fact, undermined the Prime Minister of the Nation of this country for a period of ten years and became a De Facto ruler of this Nation. As far as your claims of PM Modi being a fascist or a merchant of death are concerned, those claims have been busted today and it has been established that you are a fascist in the true sense of the term. In fact, we have seen Mussolini like features in you every now and then. Whether it was your arrogant statement that no one can do anything to you just because you happen to be Indira’s Bahu or your horrifying gaze just because one of your Party MPs happened to have shared a friendly laugh on a statement given by the Prime Minister of India.

The Aides of congress Mussolinis:

This part is addressed to Congress leaders such as Digvijay Singh, Ambika Soni and company who chose to toe party line in the affidavit episode. Make no mistake, if the Indian growth story is somehow stalled due to your antics some ten years down the line, you will be wholly responsible and recognized as the Mir Jafars of Modern India. It is you who have upheld and protected the unnecessary stronghold of the Gandhi Family in the Congress which in turn has affected the Governmental structure of India several times and continues to disturb political stability of several states as 10 Janpath has been time and again vested with illegitimate power of governance. Interestingly, you were the ones who proclaimed India to be intolerant and continue to assert the same but today’s insidious and perfidious act of your party has shown that it is not our Nation but it is only your party and in fact only your faction within your party which is actually intolerant.

An average Congress Legislator:

Even though the INC is a sinking ship and is reaching greater lows day by day, the grand old party still boasts of more than 800 Members of Legislative Assembly apart from a majority of Parliamentarians in the Rajya Sabha. Thus, the Congress legislators as a whole do have a considerable say in the governance of our nation even in today’s time.

I am extremely sorry for this but I am compelled to draw an analogy between you and those who had been coercively vasectomised in the black days of National Emergency for you seem as helpless and as victimized. A large chunk of the Congress MLAs have already given severe blows to your Party in Uttarakhand and Arunachal Pradesh by leaving this Fascist den for the betterment of their States and their Nation and you better follow the suit. For the Mussolinis of your party will never give you the autonomy and respect that a representative of the citizens of the country deserve and today’s affidavit episode is a mere testimony to the same. Moreover, your party does not have a bright future and leaving this party seems to be the only option for you to save your political careers.


The biggest and the most dangerous paradox with our Nation is that those who give sermons about democracy and free speech are actually its greatest enemies. The affidavit episode though is only going to quicken the process of the death of the major constituent of disguised liberalism in India.

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