Aam Aadmi Party – The perfect heir to Congress’s Golden throne

Aam Aadmi Party

The India against Corruption movement was planned to perfection. ‘Corruption’ was the talking point at the time, and the mainstream media’s favourite social activists came together and seized the limelight. Since the government at the helm of affairs was a Congress government, many alleged that these activists had been propped up by saffron elements which were out of power. Now, after observing the offspring of this movement the Aam Aadmi Party , it comes across more as a Congress inside job.

Whether this was the case from the start, or whether this is the turn it took when the brain behind it unleashed his dictatorial tendencies is something we will never know. But what we know for sure is this that Aam Aadmi Party isn’t out there to fight corruption. Their ideals have been chucked out of the window, and the party increasingly looks like a mini Congress. Corrupt legislators, blatant appeasement and misuse of public wealth are some of the similarities. Politically, they consider BJP to be their biggest enemies. To top it all, a tacit understanding with the Congress Party on several issues is becoming increasingly evident.

Arvind Kejriwal has been conspicuously silent as scam after scam implicating the Congress Party tumbled out of the closet last month. The man who championed intolerance towards corruption and used the ‘shoot and scoot’ method to land a chief ministership, was too busy claiming success for the odd-even scheme and highlighting BJP’s misdeeds (both of which seem quite hollow). Upon his hypocrisy being pointed at repeatedly, he finally found his voice regarding the Augusta Westland Scam, daring the BJP to arrest Signora Gandhi. Note that he hasn’t really accused anyone of anything by making such a statement, which is rather uncharacteristic.

Signora Gandhi has been named in an Italian court, but back home, the probe is only gaining momentum after these revelations. The previous regime had shoved it into cold storage. So politically, daring the government to put Signora Gandhi behind bars was a shrewd move. But the BJP hit back. They asked him why Sheila Dikshit was still at large. After all, wasn’t it he who claimed to have hundreds of pages of evidence against her? Wasn’t it he who promised to put her behind bars after getting elected?

Delhi being a union territory, there are no law enforcement agencies of significance that come under the local government. If Kejriwal had any evidence, he should have presented it the day he obtained it. Despite eyeing a post which wouldn’t empower him to use it, he sought votes on the plank of the evidence he possessed. That was just the first part of this spectacle. Upon getting elected, it is becoming apparent that this evidence doesn’t even exist! Kejriwal keeps citing technicalities to avoid the Sheila Dikshit issue, as if he wasn’t aware that they would crop up when he became chief minister. What is shocking is that Sheila Dikshit has chosen to remain mum about it, instead of taking the legal route like Nitin Gadkari and Arun Jaitley for defamation or slander. It looks like a quid-pro-quo. The Congress seems to have sacrificed itself at the altar during the Delhi elections last year, so that the BJP may be defeated.

Kejriwal emerged on an anti-corruption plank. Today, Aam Aadmi Party receives dubious donations. His ministers are known to be corrupt, hold fake degrees and commit domestic abuse. Kejriwal on his part hobnobs with the likes of Lalu Prasad Yadav. His party isn’t averse to dividing India in the lines of caste and creed. Aam Aadmi Party isn’t averse to standing shoulder to shoulder with anti-national elements either. He spends day and night attacking Prime Minister Modi, always finding a way to attack positive attributes as well. Apart from the name, how exactly is the Aam Aadmi Party different from the Congress Party?

The so-called social activists who formed the Aam Aadmi Party were initially part of the larger Congress ecosystem.

This ecosystem is a self-serving cartel made up of pseudo-secular political parties, sections of the mainstream media, halfwit intellectuals and academics, certain NGOs and five-star activists. In retrospect, the entire India against Corruption movement seems like a disgruntled section within the cartel which attempted to assert itself. After swearing on his children that he would never form a government with the Congress Party and doing just that, after metamorphosing from a corruption-baiting party to a Modi-baiting party, after carving out an impressive space for himself in the pseudo-secular bandwagon, life seems to have taken a full circle for Delhi’s chief movie-reviewer. Arvind’s ghar-wapsi is now complete.

After the Augusta Westland revelations, the Tyagi family has been questioned. The Adarsh Society building will be taken down. Notices have been sent to former members of parliament over the coal scam. Chagan Bhujbal is in prison clothes eating prison food. And it’s just a matter of time before the rest are taken to task, Subramanian Swamy is already giving them sleepless nights. If anyone is fighting corruption in the country, it is the BJP and its government. Muffler man’s only achievement is being the son Signora Gandhi never had.


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