Mahatma Gandhi was the first person to dream of a Congress Mukt Bharat

Congress Mukt Bharat

PM Modi has been right on the mark as far as the realization of his ultimate goal is concerned. PM Modi dreamt of a Congress Mukt Bharat, and with 67% of Population and 19 States Now under BJP Rule, PM looks all set to achieve it. But was he the first one to dream of an India free of Congress. Turns out that the first person to dream of a Congress Mukt Bharat was Mahatma Gandhi himself. That’s right Mahatma Gandhi, the Party Patriarch was all for dissolving the Congress party. Whatever view one may have on Mahatma Gandhi, one can never question his astuteness of political wisdom. And he was not the kind of person who forgave and forgot. One incident in South Africa was sufficient for him to rebel against the might of the British and in a way he became the force behind the national movement.

He, a sort of hijacked the freedom movement from the hands of the elders of the Congress party, who were fierce fighters. He was the first one who successfully blackmailed the entire Congress party including its President – none other than Subhas Chandra Bose, when his candidate Pattabhi Sitaramaiah lost the election to Bose.

He attended the round table conferences half naked in his Khadi Dhoti, but spoke in impeccable English. His way of handling the affairs of Congress and of the National Movement was such that patriots like Muhammad Iqbal, who wrote one of the two songs that represented the freedom fight had become discontented and conceived the idea of Pakistan fearing Hindus dominating Muslims in free India. On the other hand, Hindu nationalists were furious at the way Gandhi tried to appease Muslims.

In retrospect, most of his decisions look controversial – including preferring Jawaharlal Nehru to lead independent India, over Sardar Patel. But, it seems he realised the fallacy of his decision soon after independence. So, this is what he wrote after he realized his mistake!

“Though split into two, India having attained political independence through means devised by the Indian National Congress, the Congress in its present shape and form, i. e., as a propaganda vehicle and parliamentary machine, has outlived its use. India has still to attain social, moral and economic independence in terms of its seven hundred thousand villages as distinguished from its cities and towns. The struggle for the ascendency of civil over military power is bound to take place in India’s progress towards its democratic goal. It must be kept out of unhealthy competition with political parties and communal bodies. For these and other similar reasons, the A. I. C. C. resolves to disband the existing Congress organization and flower into a Lok Sevak Sangh under the following rules with power to alter them as occasion may demand.”

The above paragraph was an extract from the “Draft Resolution of Congress” dated 29th Jan, 1948, just a day before he was assassinated. This is the first paragraph of the draft.


So, Mahatma wanted to dissolve the Congress and wanted the Congressmen to become a Lok Sevak Sangh. It is a sort of irony for all today’s Congressmen, he chose the word Sangh to represent them.

The last paragraph of the draft is:

The Sangh shall affiliate the. following autonomous bodies:

  1. A.I.S.A. (All-India Spinners Association)
  2. A.I.V.I.A. (All-India Village Industries Association)
  3. Hindustani Talimi Sangh (Society for Basic Education)
  4. Harijan Sevak Sangh (Society for service’ of “untouchables”)
  5. Goseva Sangh (Society for Cow-protection and Improvement)

And, within five months of independence, why he wanted to shut down the Congress? His loyal follower, who used to take down dictation, take down notes and write letters on Gandhi’s behalf, Mr Venkat Ram Kalyanam, who witnessed the assassination explains:


Gandhi was heart-broken within months of the freedom because of the complaints pouring in from all over the country about wide-spread corruption in the Congress-ruled States as well as the Centre. “Every day Gandhi used to get more than fifty letters from freedom fighters and concerned citizens. Most of the letters were about rampant corruption and favoritism being practiced by the Congress ministers and leaders. Gandhi was disappointed and disheartened over the development. Though he told about this to the then Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru, it fell on deaf ears,” reminiscences Kalyanam.

One of the major reasons for the indifference of Nehru towards the charges of corruption was the distancing of Sardar Patel from the former. “Patel, who was closer to Gandhi had become a persona none grata in Nehru’s close circle and hence the latter missed chances of getting sound advice,” said Kalyanam.

Towards the end of 1947, a hurt Gandhi made up his mind and dictated a note to Kalyanam which he describes as the last testament of the Father of the Nation. “I am not responsible for what is happening in this country. I have repeatedly said that I have neither any part nor any say in many things that are going on in the country today. The plain matter of fact is that I am no longer the current coin, I fancied I once was. My voice is in the wilderness. My writ runs no more. Time was when whatever I said the masses followed. Today, mine is a lone voice. I now say things which do not go home. I know that I am a back number. Yet, I go on saying what I believe to be true,” Gandhi had dictated these words to Kalyanam which is described as the last major note issued by the Mahatma.



Being an intelligent person, he could realize how satanic Congress could be for the independent India. But, eyes closed with the lust of power, leaders of Congress had denigrated the party and along with that – even the country, to this date, when in the capital of the country, in the place of learning named after the first Congress Prime Minister, who ignored Gandhi’s disappointment and established corruption as the founding principles of the party – students are shouting warnings to break the country! What an irony?

No Congress leader can explain why the Kerala Government ruled by CPM, led by EMS Namboodripad was dissolved and president rule was thrust – mainly due to the Education bill that intended Government taking over all aided educational institutions that angered the Church, Nair Society. Ironically the bill was introduced by Joseph Mundassery, a Christian minister for Education.

His daughter reached the pinnacle when she became the dictator and had unleashed terror that was not seen since the days of Jalian Wala Bagh. Her proactivity in establishing Congress governments in all states had fueled the Punjab issue, which she could not control but succumbed to it.

Her prodigy pilot son, who could unabashedly claim killings of Sikhs as collateral damage of her assassination. And, with all the wisdom he could muster, he gave toffees to Muslims and Hindus. If he gave constitutional status to deprive Muslim women, he opened the can of worms when he permitted Shilanyas that changed the course of the country in the next two decades. The kind of political decisions he made, whether it was Longoval accord, Assam accord or the notorious agreement with Sri Lanka, that were never implemented to the satisfaction of the aggrieved parties. In fact, Premadasa used India to attack Sri Lankan Tamils and thus sown were the seeds that grew only to end the life of Rajiv himself.

By that time, it appears the wheel had turned full and Congress had lounged for an imported leader. It was the ironical destiny that Narasimha Rao lost the elections in 1996, which brought Sonia Gandhi to the fore with all the chamchas enjoying the fruits in the name of Nehru-Gandhi family.

Then came the most brilliant person with negative IQ to lead the Congress and by the time history of Congress was painted black with coal mined from many scams.

During all these six decades, all Congress could do was to burn the Kashmir issue and create many a seditious factions rummaging Punjab, Assam, Nagaland. It was only the common Tamilian’s patriotism that prevented anti Hindi agitation from converting into another insurgency agitation.

With such a great legacy behind them, I wonder, why everyone wonders when Rahul supports the anti-India sloganeering students. He is doing what he is supposed to do and can do. That is all.

Mahatma’s Atma may be crying at all these instances. Now, it is for the people of India, who, despite all types of opinions on Mahatma Gandhi, still consider him as one of the greatest sons of the nation, to fulfil his last wish – i.e., to close down the Congress shop.

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