World Vision – Scamsters and Soul Vultures

During the Chennai Floods crisis, many in social media were praising NASDAQ billboard in Times Square (NYC) for bringing worldwide attention to the dire situation. What many people would have also noticed were the charities announced in the ad – World Vision was at the top.


World Vision and its global subsidiaries believe in the following adage: Never let a crisis go to waste. Especially when you can get a lot of funds for your cause.


World Vision and its subsidiaries are evangelical Christian organizations who use funds for conversion and not necessarily towards relief efforts. Let’s take a look at series of scandals which rocked the boat:


  1. Ethiopia: In 2008, a noted Australian TV program correspondent discovered to his school that the child he was sponsoring did not even that she had a sponsor and all she relieved was a jacket and a pen! World Vision replied stating that they help the “community” but the marketing literature and correspondence indicated the personalized help the girl child obtained.


  1. Liberia: World Vision Liberia was involved in a scam where over 90% of its aid went missing and did not reach the intended.


  1. India: Congress MP and local chapter president of World Vision – Radhantaka Nayak is being investigated for the murder of Swami Laksmananda Saraswati.


  1. Charity Navigator (an independent rating organization for Charities) rates World Vision 2 out of 5 (not really a great rating.). CEOs of these organizations obtain a pay package of USD 400K+- which is a very high salary in U.S especially for a not for profit organization. This means your funds are not used very effectively.


  1. They advertise heavily during times of crisis such as Tsunami and floods to attract maximum funds. But these funds are not fully used and even if used, are guided through evangelism.


  1. Soul Vultures – Derogatory term for many such organizations who believe that their sole mission is to reclaim souls of people and countries lost in wrong belief. The Nepal earthquake was a revelation where volunteers of these organizations and organizations attributed much of the disaster to the practice of Hinduism and destruction of people and temples as message from “God”. Never mind that the destruction did not target any belief or person for that matter. A simple search on Twitter and FB on evangelical posts on the Nepal disaster should reveal the extent of their hatred and derision for any beliefs outside their limited world view.




  1. If you think ISIS is a problem, beware of the flood of money which follows any crisis and any area to convert everyone. Their aim is to change the demographic landscape.


  1. There is an established term called 10/40 window targeting the area of North Africa, Middle East and Asia for conversion. This area composed of Buddhists, Muslims and Hindus are the targets.


Many of these organizations have seemingly innocuous names such as World Vision but have a world view which operates in their own religious belief and which also creates agitation in the state they operate.


Much of your relief fund might be going to causes which will result in a demographic change in the country rather than alleviating the people and providing relief. Not to mention that many foreign NGOs use these funds to undertake subversive attacks on the country. Remember Kudankulam!


Donate your money wisely! Do your research. You spend time when buying anything. An extra 10 mts of your time will ensure that the funds reach needy and will prevent the money going to anti-national organizations.


In a crisis, everyone wants to donate but hopefully we don’t fund organizations which act against our interests.

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