Mallikarjun Kharge ‘s Aryan-Dravidian remark: Time to embrace our racial history as a melting pot

Congress MP Mallikarjun Kharge made a seemingly innocuous remark on “You Aryans have come from outside”….which revealed deeper disturbing racist issues within Mallikarjun Kharge himself and the Left. While this remark did not receive the same press hyperbole as VK Singh’s remark, maybe it is time that we use science to point out how idiotic this remark is.

The Congress and the Left portray themselves as defenders of scientific and democratic thought yet reality indicates otherwise. Their penchant to pervert science and democratic thought process is quite disturbing.

Let’s digress to science:

Recent genetic research conducted by both Indian and American scientists indicated that India is composed of two genetically divergent populations – Ancestral North Indians (ANI) and Ancestral South Indian (ASI). ANI is genetically close to that central Asians, Middle Easterns and Europeans and ASI is distinct from ANI and East Asians.

The interesting part of it is that intermarriage was pervasive between the groups so much that almost all Indians (except the rare individual tribes in Andaman and Nicobar Islands or Kashmir) have both the genomes. The intermarriage was very frequent around 4200 years ago and is documented in Rig Vedas indicating a high degree of social mobility. Around 1900 years ago, endogamy became the mainstream thought freezing genetic diversity.

Why is this genetic study important? It provides answers to questions part of our political and social debate:

1. Do we even have anyone who is purely ANI and Purely ASI Answer is No for 99.9999999% of Indians (unless you are part of the protected tribes in Andaman and Nicobar islands or a rare individual in Kashmir) .You might have different percentages but that does not make anyone a pure bred.

2. If inter-marriage was allowed for 2-3 millennia, it raises questions on whether it was Aryan invasion of Dravidians or ANI migration into ASI areas where both co-existed for a considerable period of time. (Note that I chose to digress away from Aryan-Dravidian into ANI/ASI as I feel that Aryan-Dravidian labels have been political emblems of separation for both the west and our politicians).

3. It also raises questions on whether Hinduism has strict hierarchical religious codes of inter marriage from the beginning (which seems to be not the case genetically) or some extraneous event (e.g.: invasions) imposed this endogamy and freezing of social hierarchy 1900 years ago….. Whatever may be the reason, this was wrong.

Now that we have established the science, let’s get back to politics and our current thought process. What Mallikarjun Kharge said was inherently racist and potentially against himself (not sure how much of his genes are ANI. Maybe he wants his ASI part to stay and his ANI part to flee). Usage of racism to divide India, besmirch political opponents and for anything else, should have no place in Indian society. Scientific evidence indicates that: No one can ask anyone to leave the country based on race and no one can even say they are the ancestral owners of the country as per race! But It is safe to assume that divisive statements that come out of the mouths of Left and Congress, however racist or communal they maybe, will never receive any media attention. Mallikarjun Kharge hence remains untouched while V K Singh is at the receiving end of a well-organized attack in the parliament.

Fair cream manufacturers, politicians, and media have exploited our own inadequacy at embracing our races. Blaming colonialism is not going to help anymore. Change has to come from within us. Time that we understand a scientific truth – All of us are both ANI and ASI! Time to throw out both caste and race.
If our ancestors 4200 years ago could love and live with each other, why can’t we now?

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